0 2396096 0 0 I had a mental breakdown. CK 1 0 2663363 0 0 Does Tom have mental problems? CK 0 2957112 0 0 Tom is in a mental institution. CK 0 1690405 0 0 I need some mental stimulation. Spamster 0 1875818 0 0 He was sent to a mental hospital. Spamster 0 2957568 0 0 Tom obviously has severe mental problems. CK 0 681725 0 0 The boy's problems are physical, not mental. Source_VOA 142663 271907 精神的な健康は、肉体的な健康と同じくらい大切です。 \N Mental health is as important as physical health. CM 184123 21250 額が広いのは頭がとてもいいことを表している。 \N A high forehead is indicative of great mental power. CM 142661 271909 精神面での訓練は幼い子供には特に必要である。 \N Mental exercise is particularly important for young children. CM 0 3089543 0 0 Tom has been in and out of mental hospitals most of his life. CK 142611 271959 西洋人と話をするとき、私はいわば頭の中のギヤを入れ換えなければならない。 \N When I speak to a Westerner, I have to shift mental gears, so to speak. CM 0 847234 0 0 There are two kinds of work in the world--head work and hand work; mental and manual. Source_Benedict_1921 0 3009026 0 0 Tom had a mental block and couldn't remember his PIN number and, as a result, had to leave the groceries at the checkout. patgfisher