0 2648987 0 0 Mix Tom a drink. CK 1 0 2547057 0 0 There's been a mix-up. CK 1 79454 387576 油は水と混ざらない。 \N Oil and water don't mix. Mouseneb 1 79455 1437111 油と水を混ぜる事は出来ない。 \N You can't mix oil and water. CK 1 2258012 56039 これに関しては相反する思いがあります。 \N I have mixed feelings about this. CK 1 218724 56039 これには複雑な気持ちだ。 \N I have mixed feelings about this. CK 1 78507 325209 卵3個と1カップの砂糖をまぜてください。 mookeee Mix three eggs and a cup of sugar. CM 1 2380296 1444709 青と赤を混ぜると紫になる。 tommy_san If you mix blue and red, you get violet. Eldad 1 2380296 2380300 青と赤を混ぜると紫になる。 tommy_san If you mix blue and red, you'll get purple. CK 1 0 1103059 0 0 Tom wanted to make a mix CD of music for Mary, but all he had were DVD blanks. CK 1 0 2774100 0 0 Don't mix me up. sharptoothed 0 2189740 0 0 I am all mixed up. freddy1 103522 300104 彼は人付き合いがよくない。 \N He doesn't mix well. CM 103589 300104 彼は人つきあいがよくない。 \N He doesn't mix well. CM 0 2619740 0 0 Tom mixed himself a drink. CK 0 887142 0 0 She gave him mixed signals. CK 0 2265845 0 0 Don't get mixed up in that. _undertoad 83699 320017 粉と卵2個を混ぜなさい。 \N Mix the flour with two eggs. CK 79453 324264 油は水と混和しない。 \N Oil does not mix with water. Eldad 0 533185 0 0 Milk doesn't mix with water. darinmex 143802 270764 水と油を混合させることはできない。 marcelostockle You can't mix oil with water. CK 141609 272961 先生は私たちの名前をとり間違えた。 \N The teacher mixed up our names. CK 0 1662697 0 0 Tom is mixing flour with sugar. Amastan 0 2774086 0 0 Now you've got me all mixed up. sharptoothed 0 2734459 0 0 I like mixing coffee and cocoa. afyodor 169165 245322 仕事と遊びをごっちゃにするな。 \N Don't mix business with pleasure. CM 212283 49564 その映画には賛否両論が出た。 \N The movie received mixed reviews. CK 87193 316515 彼女は彼を他の誰かとまちがえた。 Blanka_Meduzo She mixed him up with someone else. CK 191709 28872 われわれの彼に対する感情は複雑だ。 \N Our feelings towards him are mixed. CK 91235 312479 彼女は悪い仲間と付き合っている。 \N She is mixing with the wrong crowd. CK 0 2774088 0 0 Mix this powder with a cup of water. sharptoothed 0 1665644 0 0 I am mixing mayonnaise with ketchup. Amastan 230782 68149 あの人とかかりあいにならないようにしなさい。 \N Don't get mixed up with those people. CK 114717 288954 彼はいかがわしいことに関係している。 \N He is mixed up with something shabby. CK 0 3330107 0 0 I'm sorry I got you mixed up in this. CK 99308 304391 彼は友人の事件に巻き込まれた。 \N He got mixed up in his friend's affair. CK 217790 2717896 これらの物質の混合は危険です。 \N It's dangerous to mix these substances. WestofEden 91731 311981 彼女はバターと砂糖を混ぜ合わせた。 \N She mixed the butter and sugar together. CK 0 681499 0 0 You can mix different foods in a blender. Source_VOA 0 681498 0 0 Mary mixed the ingredients to make a cake. Source_VOA 156632 257902 私は仕事と遊びを一緒にするのは、好きではない。 \N I don't like to mix business with pleasure. CK 0 807515 0 0 The papers were mixed together in a big box. Source_VOA 0 1180919 0 0 She frequently gets sugar and salt mixed up. treskro3 152889 261657 私は勉強と遊びを兼ねている仕事につきたい。 \N I want to get a job that mixes work and play. CM 0 681497 0 0 If you mix blue and red, the result is purple. Source_VOA 0 3170530 0 0 What color do you get if you mix blue and yellow? CK 171852 242623 今日の東京市場の株価はまちまちだった。 \N Stock prices were mixed on the Tokyo market today. CM 0 2796718 0 0 Mix two parts of rum with one part of lemon juice. sharptoothed 201410 38620 どうして彼女はあのような不快な連中と関わりを待つようになったのか。 \N How did she get mixed up with such unpleasant people? CM 2370041 2369903 小麦粉約4カップと塩ひとつまみを混ぜる。 wakatyann630 Mix about four cups of white flour with a pinch of salt dalia26