0 2957109 0 0 Tom is hooked up to monitors. CK 173009 241465 国連はその国の選挙を監視した。 \N The U.N. monitored the country's elections. CM 0 673310 0 0 I'll monitor your progress from my computer. darinmex 0 521013 0 0 Her vital signs are being closely monitored. darinmex 96499 307207 彼らは敵の無線通信を受信した。 \N They monitored the enemy's radio communications. CK 0 1655788 0 0 Parents should monitor their children's activities. Spamster 0 1655787 0 0 Parents should monitor their children's whereabouts. Spamster 144714 269850 進行状況は毎日確認され、データベースに記録される。 \N Progress is monitored daily and stored in a database. CM 192714 29879 よりよいサービスのため、お客さまのお電話は傍受されることがあります。 \N In order to serve you better, your call may be monitored. CK 0 623297 0 0 Many companies monitor their employees' internet activity. darinmex 78870 324846 溶け続ける氷河を監視するために、人工衛星が軌道に打ち上げられた。 \N A satellite was launched into orbit to monitor melting glaciers. CM 190941 28101 医師は患者の心臓の鼓動と血圧をモニターで監視した。 \N The doctor monitored the patient's heartbeat and blood pressure. Eldad