Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Mostly"
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137402	500364	大体正しい。	\N	That's mostly right.	blay_paul	1
98447	305255	彼らの大部分は女性だった。	\N	They were mostly women.	CK	1
203904	41146	だいぶ痛みがなくなりました。	bunbuku	The pain has mostly gone away.	CK	1
143246	271322	成功はたいてい努力次第だ。	mookeee	Success depends mostly on effort.	CK	1
126079	277914	聴衆のほとんどは実業家だった。	mookeee	The audience was mostly businessmen.	CK	1
0	1025849	0	0	Tom eats mostly fruits and vegetables, and only eats meat about once a week.	CK	1
0	3174748	0	0	Tom mostly kept to himself.	CK
0	1540783	0	0	I mostly agree with what he said.	CM
84705	319009	父はたいてい日曜日はゴルフをしている。	\N	Father mostly plays golf on Sunday.	CM
126061	277931	聴衆はほとんど若者だった。	\N	The audience were mostly adolescents.	CK
116729	1475476	彼の成功は大部分幸運によるものだった。	\N	His success was mostly due to good luck.	CK
146141	268421	乗船客は主に日本人だった。	\N	The passengers on board were mostly Japanese.	CK
105294	298395	彼は時々ワインをたしなむが、たいていはウイスキーを飲む。	\N	He enjoys wine sometimes, but mostly he drinks whisky.	CM
0	1578594	0	0	The atmosphere mostly consists of nitrogen and oxygen.	CM
0	727185	0	0	The last two lines of the document are mostly illegible.	darinmex
0	795506	0	0	How much beer people drink depends mostly on the weather.	Swift
0	847216	0	0	Morality is mostly a matter of how much temptation you can withstand.	Source_Benedict_1921
166842	247660	私たちの店でこの漫画の本を買う人は、ほとんどが中学生です。	\N	Those who buy this comic book in our store are mostly junior high school students.	CM
0	3075087	0	0	Even though Tom eats mostly junk food, he rarely gets sick and his BMI is in the normal range.	patgfisher
193956	31124	モーテルはホテルと似てるがずっと小さく、自動車で旅する人々に使用される。	\N	A motel is like a hotel only much smaller and is used mostly by people traveling by automobile.	CM