0 2258639 0 0 He's quick in his movements. _undertoad 0 2258543 0 0 He was the leader of the movement. _undertoad 0 2307535 0 0 He played a key role in the movement. erikspen 113095 290580 彼はその運動で主要な役割を果たした。 \N He played a major part in the movement. CM 138267 274968 多数の有名人がその動きを後援している。 \N Many famous people are behind the movement. CK 176120 238345 警察は彼の行動を疑っていた。 \N The police were suspicious of his movements. mamat 0 693397 0 0 The resistance movement has gone underground. darinmex 86926 316785 彼女は婦人解放運動で積極的な役割をした。 bunbuku She played a part in the women's lib movement. CK 1189902 316785 彼女は女性解放運動に一役買った。 bunbuku She played a part in the women's lib movement. CK 148480 266079 狩猟者はあらゆる動きに気をくばっていた。 \N The hunter was alert to every sound and movement. CM 0 2707445 0 0 There is a strong anti-nuclear movement in Germany. Hybrid 86924 316786 彼女は婦人解放運動で積極的に活躍した。 \N She took an active part in the women's lib movement. CK 0 847188 0 0 A violent thought instantly brings violent bodily movements. Source_Benedict_1921 2699837 2776668 トムは反原発運動に生涯を捧げた。 tommy_san Tom has devoted his life to the anti-nuclear-energy movement. AlanF_US 165725 248780 私たちは私たちがその運動を支援すべきだという結論に達した。 \N We came to the conclusion that we should support the movement. CK 0 867814 0 0 The separatist movement is creating conflict within the country. beaushiny 229912 67275 ある意味でそのような政治活動は一つの革命と言える。 \N In a sense, such a political movement may be called a revolution. CM 224645 61980 ここでの私の関心は、ウーマン・リブ運動が消えつつあるのか否かということである。 \N My concern here is whether the women's movement is fading or not. CM 228318 65673 ウーマン・リブは底辺は広いが、非公式な民衆の運動である。 \N Women's Liberation is a broad-based but informal popular movement. CM 0 1847021 0 0 The Nationalist movements in both countries have been exacerbating the problem. Chrikaru 147235 267326 女性運動による変化によって、女性も男性も影響を受けた。 \N The changes resulting from the women's movement have affected both women and men. CK 124917 279076 田舎から都会へこの移動はここ2百年以上も続いてきたことである。 \N This movement from rural to urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years. CK