0 1093193 0 0 Tom neglected his work. CK 1 103931 535249 彼は職務怠慢だった。 mookeee He neglected his duties. CK 1 108528 535249 彼は義務を怠った。 bunbuku He neglected his duties. CK 1 0 1093194 0 0 Tom neglected his family. CK 1 0 1024011 0 0 Tom was accused of neglecting his duty. CK 1 0 453432 0 0 He neglects his studies. FeuDRenais 0 2255627 0 0 He frequently neglects his work. _undertoad 232902 70272 あなたは「ありがとう」と言うことを怠った。 \N You neglected to say "Thank you." CK 0 2774078 0 0 The house shows signs of neglect. sharptoothed 175457 239008 健康をおろそかにしたことを私は悔やんでいる。 \N I regret having neglected my health. CK 0 2774092 0 0 Mary has been neglecting her children. sharptoothed 106418 849503 彼は私が義務を怠った事を非難した。 \N He criticized me for neglecting my duty. CK 177201 16048 君は自分の健康を度外視するわけにはいかない。 \N You can't afford to neglect your health. Swift 0 2774062 0 0 Tom has been neglecting his work lately. sharptoothed 113778 289895 彼はこの頃研究を投げやりにしている。 \N He is neglecting his research these days. CM 0 663801 0 0 Don't neglect your daily responsibilities. bluepie88 0 2774054 0 0 Tom neglected his cough and got bronchitis. sharptoothed 210894 48165 その古い家は何年もほっておかれている。 \N That old house has been neglected for years. CK 100446 303252 彼は不養生がたたって今入院している。 \N He neglected his health and now he's sick in bed. CK 120196 398535 彼が失敗したのは怠けたせいだ。 mookeee The reason he failed was because he neglected his work. CM 214343 51635 スポーツにかまけて学業を怠る学生もいる。 \N Some students neglect their studies in favor of sports. CM 150920 263639 歯磨きを怠って、その子は虫歯になった。 \N The boy had bad teeth because he neglected to brush them. CK 209072 46333 その少年は植物に水をやるのを怠り、叱られた。 \N The boy neglected to water the plants, and he was scolded. CM 108859 294829 彼は学校時代に勉強しなかったことを後悔している。 \N He regrets having neglected his studies in his school days. CM 229469 66828 あんまりご無沙汰してしまって、どうも敷居が高くなってしまいました。 \N I have neglected you so long that I feel a bit shy in visiting you. CK