Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Obligation"
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0	2359011	0	0	I have another obligation.	CK	1
0	3312890	0	0	We still have an obligation.	CK	1
0	2539321	0	0	We have an obligation to do our best.	CK	1
0	2301282	0	0	I can no longer fulfill my obligations.	CK	1
165944	248560	私たちは義務を果たします。	\N	We fulfill our obligations.	CM
147376	267184	助けるのが我々の義務だ。	\N	It is our obligation to help.	bluepie88
0	2954544	0	0	You have no obligation to help.	CK
232169	69539	あなたは我々を援助する必要はない。	\N	You have no obligation to help us.	CK
0	2266187	0	0	He didn't fulfill his obligations.	_undertoad
0	2956488	0	0	Tom didn't fulfill his obligations.	CK
151450	263106	私達は税金を払う義務がある。	\N	We have a legal obligation to pay our taxes.	CK
0	522289	0	0	You are under no obligation to divulge that information.	darinmex
186172	23306	我々は、日常生活の中に多くの義務や責任を担っている。	\N	In everyday life we have many obligations and responsibilities.	Swift
0	1850971	0	0	You are under no obligation whatsoever to share this information.	Dottyeyes
2113420	2114902	もし生命の権利というものがあるなら、死についての権利もあることになる。そうでなければ生命の権利は権利ではなく義務になってしまうだろう。	Blanka_Meduzo	If one has the right to live, then one should also have the right to die. If not, then living is not a right, but an obligation.	CK