Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Observation"
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0	2273571	0	0	Tom is under observation.	CK	1
0	2953073	0	0	It was just an observation.	CK
186863	24000	科学は非常に綿密な観察に基づいている。	\N	Science is based on very careful observations.	NekoKanjya
126335	277656	注意深く観察すれば違いがわかるでしょう。	bunbuku	A careful observation will show you the difference.	CM
108744	826854	彼は観察が鋭いがとても無口だ。	\N	His observations are sharp, but he doesn't say much.	CK
0	3278733	0	0	Tom was kept in the hospital overnight for observation.	CK
147972	266587	重体の赤ちゃんは医者の注意深い監視下に置かれていた。	\N	The very sick baby was under careful observation by the doctors.	CM
192834	30000	よき理論というものは、観察によればだいたいのところ誤りや不正確であるとされるような多くの予言を生み出すという事実によって特徴づけられる。	\N	A good theory is characterized by the fact that it makes a number of predictions that could in principle be disproved or falsified by observation.	CM