Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Onto"
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0	2548594	0	0	Tom held onto Mary.	CK	1
0	2245580	0	0	Hold onto something.	CK	1
0	2548310	0	0	I'll hold onto this.	CK	1
0	2544858	0	0	I'll hang onto it for now.	CK	1
0	2543665	0	0	I'll hang onto that for you.	CK	1
0	1868417	0	0	Tom climbed up onto the roof.	CK	1
0	1040644	0	0	Tom flopped onto his bed and was soon fast asleep.	CK	1
0	887164	0	0	She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him onto the boat.	CK	1
197925	35114	パパに捕まれ。	\N	Hang onto Daddy!	CM
0	1667903	0	0	Climb onto the roof.	fanty
0	770054	0	0	Put it onto the table.	marloncori
0	1435843	0	0	They got onto the plane.	caspian
0	713165	0	0	He jumped onto the table.	Guybrush88
0	941997	0	0	Toss the gun onto the table.	sacredceltic
0	2985483	0	0	The lid screws onto the jar.	sharptoothed
0	2958695	0	0	Tom went out onto the street.	CK
86215	317496	彼女は列車の方へ人を押しのけていった。	\N	She elbowed her way onto the train.	CK
1318569	317496	彼女は人を押し分け電車へと向かった。	bunbuku	She elbowed her way onto the train.	CK
0	2600071	0	0	The teams are coming onto the field.	sharptoothed
0	434668	0	0	Don't throw anything onto the floor.	lukaszpp
96675	1370515	彼らは船を岸に引き上げた。	mookeee	They dragged their boat onto the beach.	CK
96675	1370514	彼らは船を岸に引き上げた。	mookeee	They pulled their boat up onto the beach.	CK
121689	282316	農夫は荷馬車の上へ干し草を放り上げた。	mookeee	The farmer pitched the hay onto the wagon.	CM
79780	323937	門を通って表通りに出た。	\N	I went through the gate out onto the street.	CK
123795	280200	動いている列車に飛び乗るのは危険である。	\N	It is dangerous to jump onto a moving train.	CM
121953	282050	猫は椅子に飛び乗ってそのままじっとしていた。	\N	A cat jumped onto the chair and lay motionless.	CM
0	681330	0	0	The team captain led the players onto the field.	Source_VOA
0	3024419	0	0	Everyone applauded as Tom walked out onto the stage.	CK
2759305	2768086	トムは左右を見ずに道路に飛び出した。	tommy_san	Tom rushed out onto the road without looking both ways.	pallorwag
0	1343909	0	0	He walked onto stage while the audience were applauding.	Chrikaru
0	533597	0	0	The only window in our hotel room opens onto a smelly alley.	darinmex
175368	239098	犬がイスの上へ飛び上がり、5分間動かないでいた。	\N	A dog jumped onto the chair and lay motionless for five minutes.	CM
0	2737417	0	0	If we'd arrived ten minutes earlier, we would've made it onto the plane.	eastasiastudent