0 1023945 0 0 Tom was suddenly overcome by fear. CK 1 185702 2550143 我々は多くの困難を克服しなければならない。 \N We have to overcome many difficulties. CK 1 96503 307203 彼らは敵に打ち勝った。 \N They overcame the enemy. CM 92488 311223 彼女はその困難に打ち勝った。 \N She overcame the difficulty. CM 0 2796866 0 0 Tom was overcome by the heat. sharptoothed 102593 301101 彼は多くの困難に打ち勝った。 \N He overcame many difficulties. Zifre 102591 301103 彼は多くの困難を克服した。 \N He has overcome many obstacles. CM 0 2796838 0 0 Tom was overcome with jealousy. sharptoothed 993566 917797 彼女の心は幸せに満ちあふれていた。 mookeee She was overcome with happiness. Shiawase 146683 267878 少女は悲しみにうちひしがれた。 \N The girl was overcome with grief. CK 210554 47824 その困難を克服しなければならない。 \N You must overcome the difficulties. Trank 87222 388342 彼女は彼を宥めすかして機嫌を直させた。 \N She helped him overcome his sadness. CK 160168 254353 私はその困難に打ち勝つことができた。 \N I managed to overcome the difficulty. royhuggins 177744 16596 君はその困難を克服しなければならない。 \N You have to overcome the difficulties. xtofu80 0 1281741 0 0 He had to overcome a lot of obstacles. al_ex_an_der 159219 255305 私はどんな困難にも耐えてみせる。 \N I'm sure I can overcome any difficulty. CM 191695 28858 われわれはあらゆる困難に勝たなければならない。 \N We shall overcome all our difficulties. CM 0 3004696 0 0 Eventually, my curiosity overcame my fear. Hybrid 99272 304427 彼は憂うつな感情に打ちのめされた。 \N He was overcome by a feeling of melancholy. CM 0 1365935 0 0 You'll have to overcome a few difficulties. CM 0 3004686 0 0 Eventually, Tom's curiosity overcame his fear. Hybrid 137197 276039 第一の難関はどうにか突破した。 \N We have managed to overcome the first obstacle. CK 81305 322410 毎日の運動は肥満を防ぐのに有効である。 \N Daily exercise is effective in overcoming obesity. CM 92459 311252 彼女はその子供の心痛をいやすのに苦労した。 \N She took pains to help the child overcome his grief. CM 110610 293076 彼はもう一本煙草を吸いたいという欲望に勝てなかった。 \N He couldn't overcome the desire for another cigarette. CK 0 1113990 0 0 The challenges are daunting, but we can overcome them. darinmex 0 567801 0 0 I finally overcame my shyness and asked him out on a date. darinmex 188800 25948 円高克服は大問題です。 \N How to overcome the high value of the yen is a big problem. CK 0 2796700 0 0 Tom had to overcome many obstacles before he achieved success. sharptoothed 0 1028940 0 0 Tom finally overcame his shyness and asked Mary to go out with him. CK 126929 277161 地球人の一人として、私は文化の壁を越える方法を知っています。 \N As a citizen of the world, I know ways of overcoming cultural barriers. CK 216178 53481 システム全体を抜本的に変えなければ、この欠点を克服することは困難である。 \N It is difficult to overcome this shortcoming without drastically changing the whole system. CM