Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Pace"
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2216597	1841178	自分のペースでやりなさい。	bunbuku	Pace yourself.	CK	1
0	2236802	0	0	Tom is pacing.	CK	1
0	2237086	0	0	Tom kept pace.	CK	1
0	2237087	0	0	Tom kept pacing.	CK	1
0	2236008	0	0	Tom began pacing.	CK	1
0	2238703	0	0	Tom started pacing.	CK	1
0	2238778	0	0	Tom stopped pacing.	CK	1
0	2249537	0	0	Let's pace ourselves.	CK	1
0	2236177	0	0	Tom continued pacing.	CK	1
0	2646030	0	0	Let's pick up the pace.	CK	1
2321357	301019	彼は速いペースで歩いた。	bunbuku	He walked at a quick pace.	CK	1
102675	301019	彼は速い足取りで歩いた。	bunbuku	He walked at a quick pace.	CK	1
0	1164403	0	0	Tom needs a change of pace.	CK	1
0	1026216	0	0	Tom does things at his own pace.	CK	1
0	2308087	0	0	I could do with a change of pace.	CK	1
116171	287498	彼の歩調が速くなった。	\N	His pace quickened.	CM
2138421	1055102	彼は彼女に遅れずについていった。	bunbuku	He kept pace with her.	curtisdavid
0	3066976	0	0	Tom paced back and forth.	CK
0	2644594	0	0	Come on, pick up the pace.	CK
139698	274518	速すぎてついていけないよ。	\N	I can't keep pace with you.	CK
164088	250422	私はのんびり屋さんです。	\N	I do things at my own pace.	CK
0	3091492	0	0	Tom got up and began pacing.	CK
0	3329634	0	0	Can you stop with the pacing?	CK
0	2796836	0	0	Why are you pacing up and down?	sharptoothed
0	816074	0	0	They stepped a few paces forward.	afeinberg
117781	285883	彼の給料ではインフレについていけない。	\N	His salary can't keep pace with inflation.	CK
0	560360	0	0	The traffic crept along at a snail's pace.	darinmex
102175	301519	彼は着実な歩調で丘を登っていた。	\N	He was walking up the hill at a steady pace.	qdii
894638	896035	焦らずのんびりやりましょうよ。	bunbuku	Let's do it at our own pace without hurrying.	Scott
0	2796722	0	0	When it started to get dark, I quickened my pace.	sharptoothed
101859	301832	彼は都会のペースにまだ慣れきっていない。	\N	He's never quite adjusted to the pace of the city.	CM
0	3060896	0	0	We didn't run fast, but kept up a good steady pace.	sharptoothed
224127	61463	こっちの人はのんびりしてるね。	bunbuku	The locals around here really live at a relaxed pace.	CM
221892	59218	この作業、もうちょっとスピードアップできないかなあ。	\N	I'd like you to pick up the pace a little on this job.	CM
215795	53096	ジャックは物思いにふけって部屋の中を行ったり来たりしていた。	\N	Jack was pacing up and down in the room, lost in thought.	al_ex_an_der
147567	266993	初めから意気込みすぎると、途中で息切れするぞ。	tommy_san	You have to pace yourself or you'll choke halfway through.	CM
183151	20273	気分転換に田舎にドライブに行かないかい。	bunbuku	Why don't we drive out to the country for a change of pace?	CK
183158	20281	気分を変えたくなったら、ちょっとこちらに来てみませんか。	\N	If you need a change of pace, why don't you come for a visit?	CK
0	3085061	0	0	Tom was pacing back and forth in the parking lot, waiting for Mary.	CK
0	1950192	0	0	Would you please stop pacing around like that and just sit down for a second?	_undertoad