Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Penalty"
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0	2542476	0	0	I'm against the death penalty.	CK	1
0	1095778	0	0	Tom believes that the death penalty should be abolished.	CK	1
168133	246362	死刑は廃止すべきである。	\N	We must abolish the death penalty.	CK
147573	266987	処刑を廃止するべきだ。	\N	We should abolish the death penalty.	CK
117282	979435	彼の罪は死刑に値する。	\N	His crime deserves the death penalty.	CK
0	286382	0	0	His crime deserved the death penalty.	CK
168132	246363	死刑制度は廃止されるべきだ。	\N	The death penalty should be abolished.	CM
185816	22948	我々は死刑を廃止すべきである。	\N	We should do away with the death penalty.	CK
106450	1316743	彼は死刑の廃止を主張した。	bunbuku	He advocated abolishing the death penalty.	CM
0	1527880	0	0	Do you support or oppose the death penalty?	Spamster
0	566095	0	0	The death penalty is final and irreversible.	CM
168134	246361	死刑が昨年廃止された。	\N	The death penalty was done away with last year.	Eldad
0	1961420	0	0	I thought the death penalty should be abolished.	CK
230201	67568	アメリカの多くの州で死刑は廃止されてきた。	\N	The death penalty had been done away with in many states in the USA.	CM
168131	246364	死刑制度は米国の様々な州で廃止されている。	\N	The death penalty has been done away with in many states in the USA.	CM