Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Period"
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749160	749168	五時間目ですか。	modelqueen13	Is it fifth period?	modelqueen13
189155	400578	英語は3時間目だ。	\N	English is third period.	CK
150279	401150	次の時間はドイツ語試験だ。	\N	Next period is a German test.	CM
235310	72688	3時間目にはフランス語があります。	\N	We have French in third period.	CK
235767	73147	1時限は何の授業ですか。	\N	What do you have the first period?	CK
0	681714	0	0	What period is this painting from?	Source_VOA
0	2820909	0	0	Tom worked here for a short period.	sharptoothed
146850	267711	少しの間ここに滞在します。	\N	I will stay here for a short period.	CK
221253	58576	この習慣は江戸時代に始まった。	\N	This custom began in the Edo Period.	CK
235767	974559	1時限は何の授業ですか。	\N	What class do you have first period?	slivercat
221254	58577	この習慣は江戸時代からのものだ。	\N	This custom dates from the Edo period.	CK
0	497732	0	0	This custom began during the Edo period.	boracasli
0	1538985	0	0	I looked after him for a period of time.	SHamp
0	1246269	0	0	Ten years is a really long period of time.	alec
0	873733	0	0	Adolescence is often a period of insecurity.	alexmarcelo
190627	27787	一行はしばらくの間京都に滞在した。	\N	The party stayed in Kyoto for a short period.	NekoKanjya
0	681713	0	0	Tom's school day is divided into six periods.	Source_VOA
148337	266222	授業は50分単位です。	autuno	In this school, a period is fifty minutes long.	CM
2932627	2932629	昨年は経済的に不確実な時代でした。	JimBreen	Last year was a period of economic uncertainty.	JimBreen
0	2890184	0	0	That was a difficult period in American history.	sharptoothed
102062	301631	彼は長い事わずらっている。	\N	He has suffered through a long period of illness.	CM
0	1523586	0	0	The period is missing at the end of the sentence.	CM
0	2820697	0	0	You forgot to put a period at the end of the sentence.	sharptoothed
0	681715	0	0	For a short period of time, wide neckties were in style.	Source_VOA
0	2537181	0	0	Our first-period teacher handed back our test papers today.	CK
75822	327896	日本経済では、大きなひずみが進行しつつある。	Japanese	The Japanese economy is going through a period of great stress.	CK
235083	72461	6ヶ月後、彼の足は治り、またいつものように戻りました。	\N	After a six month period, his leg was healed and is normal again.	CK
235798	73178	1月の輸出は昨年の同月に比べ20%の増加だった。	\N	Exports in January were up 20% over the same period of last year.	CK
209707	46969	その時代の人の常として彼女もまた迷信深かった。	\N	She was superstitious, as the people of that period usually were.	darinmex
196070	33247	ボブにはやさしく接してあげてくれよ。ほら、彼は最近辛いこと続きなのだ。	\N	Go easy on Bob. You know, he's been going though a rough period recently.	CK
212943	50228	そのテレビドラマは大変人気が高かったので、その時代に対する人々の関心が高まった。	\N	The drama on TV was so popular that it stirred up people's interest in the period.	CM
74582	329137	約1年半で約22億通の迷惑メールを送りました。	fcbond	He sent about 2.2 billion spam emails over a period of around one and a half years.	fcbond
123351	280648	突然、黒人と白人がお互いに激しく暴力をふるい憎しみ会う時機が到来した。	\N	Suddenly, there was a period of terrible violence and hatred between blacks and whites.	CK
176511	237953	景気循環とは好況時と不況時が交互に繰り返し起こることである。	\N	A business cycle is a recurring succession of periods of prosperity and periods of depression.	CM
75724	327994	文を書くときには、ふつう大文字で始め、ピリオド(.)、または感嘆符(!)、疑問符(?)、で終わる。	bunbuku	When writing a sentence, generally you start with a capital letter and finish with a period (.), an exclamation mark (!), or a question mark (?).	CM