192007 29169 わが社の社員はかなり高度な教育を受けている。 \N Our personnel are very highly educated. CK 193806 30974 もしもし、人事課ですが。 \N Hello, is this the personnel department? CK 169376 1490621 山田さんは人事課長です。 \N Mr. Yamada is in charge of the personnel section. CK 169288 245198 残りの社員達は予告無しに解雇された。 \N The rest of the personnel were fired without notice. Zifre 0 2959099 0 0 There's been a reduction in personnel at our factory. sharptoothed 141919 272651 先ごろあなたの人事記録に誤りを発見しました。 \N We recently discovered an error in your personnel record. CK 0 2943074 0 0 They plan to evacuate all nonessential personnel from the embassy. CK