0 1027016 0 0 Tom believes that life exists on other planets. CK 1 185081 22212 海王星は太陽系の8番目の惑星だ。 tommy_san Neptune is the eighth planet of the solar system. CK 1 193763 30931 もし宇宙人と出会ったらどうするかね。 mookeee What would you do if you saw a man from another planet? CK 1 1528149 953642 私たちが映画で見たものとよく似たエイリアンが、地球を訪れたことがある可能性は少ないと思う。 bunbuku I think it's unlikely that aliens similar to what we see in the movies have ever visited our planet. CK 1 0 681736 0 0 Earth is a planet. Source_VOA 0 1808129 0 0 Can we save the planet? Spamster 0 681737 0 0 We all live on planet Earth. Source_VOA 0 2021186 0 0 He wants to save the planet. Spamster 0 473816 0 0 Earth is a beautiful planet. FeuDRenais 138574 274661 他の惑星には生命が存在しますか。 \N Is there life on other planets? CK 0 1786088 0 0 We need to care for our planet. aquatius 0 2014294 0 0 I just want to save the planet. CK 126947 277143 地球は美しい惑星だ。 \N The earth is a beautiful planet. CK 0 1370747 0 0 We are concerned about our planet. witbrock 77130 326589 惑星は太陽の周囲を回転する。 mookeee The planets revolve around the sun. CK 155275 259264 私は他の惑星に生物がいるなんて想像できない。 \N I can't imagine life on another planet. CK 186653 23789 火星は私たちの住む地球といくつかの点で似ている。 \N Mars resembles our planet in some ways. NekoKanjya 0 681521 0 0 Our planet, Earth, is always in motion. Source_VOA 0 680768 0 0 Earth is the third planet from the sun. Source_VOA 0 2182 0 0 When I was your age, Pluto was a planet. Zifre 142686 271884 生命は他の惑星に存在しているのだろうか。 \N I wonder if life exists on other planets. CK 125010 278983 天文学は恒星と惑星を扱う。 \N Astronomy deals with the stars and planets. CK 74703 329016 他の惑星に知的生命体はいるか? fcbond Is there intelligent life on other planets? fcbond 0 680771 0 0 We must take care of our planet, the earth. Source_VOA 0 1390278 0 0 I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Spamster 486818 499549 木星は、太陽系最大の惑星である。 qahwa Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. blay_paul 0 2724151 0 0 What's the difference between a star and a planet? Hybrid 184598 21726 核戦争は地球上の生命を終わらせるだろう。 \N Nuclear war will bring life on this planet to an end. NekoKanjya 0 2705465 0 0 I can't imagine what it's like to live on another planet. WestofEden 354241 433411 他の惑星の人に出会ったら、どうするか? bourdu What would you do if you met a person from another planet? bourdu 0 2533452 0 0 I can't imagine what life on another planet would be like. CK 186835 23972 科学者は惑星間の距離を容易に計算できる。 \N Scientists can easily compute the distance between planets. CK 0 3144589 0 0 Are you seriously suggesting that Tom is from another planet? CK 0 610844 0 0 What is at issue in this debate is the survival of our planet. darinmex 80222 323495 滅亡の危機に瀕した地球を守ろうと、ある基金が設立された。 \N A fund was set up with a view to preserving our endured planet. CM 166866 247636 私たちの知る限りでは、地球は海を持っている唯一の惑星である。 \N As far as we know, the earth is the only planet to have oceans. CM 126956 277134 地球は水があるという点でほかの惑星と違う。 \N The earth is different from the other planets in that it has water. CM 82485 321231 望遠鏡を通してみると、惑星はまったく新たな様相を呈する。 \N Seen through a telescope, the planets take on a completely new appearance. CM 0 2164546 0 0 The difference between Earth and the other planets is that Earth has water. FeuDRenais 138073 275162 太陽をまわる惑星は9つもあり、地球もその1つである。 \N There are nine planets travelling around the sun, the earth being one of them. CM 1440453 1487433 銀河に木星的なサイズで惑星がたくさんたくさんある。 nonong There are many, many planets in the Milky Way which are just as big as Jupiter. marshmallowcat 143424 271143 世界の熱帯雨林は、この惑星上の生命が形成する生態学的な連鎖の中で、かけがえのない環をなしているのである。 \N The world's tropical rainforests are critical links in the ecological chain of life on the planet. CM 0 2143028 0 0 Providing energy to the poor without destroying the planet any further is this century's biggest challenge. Dreamk33 0 1398480 0 0 People speak so much about the need for leaving a better planet for our children, and forget the urgency of leaving better children for our planet. Eldad