Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Political"
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2362012	2362013	政治意識の涵養には時間を要する。	tommy_san	It takes time to develop political awareness.	CK	1
2362011	2362013	政治意識を育むには時間がかかる。	tommy_san	It takes time to develop political awareness.	CK	1
140776	273797	全体として国民は政治改革に賛成である。	bunbuku	The nation as a whole is in favor of political reform.	CK	1
0	1544032	0	0	Tom has a political agenda.	Spamster
103329	300364	彼は政治的な野心を持っていない。	\N	He has no political ambition.	CM
0	803085	0	0	He had many political enemies.	Source_VOA
116716	286952	彼の政治家としての生涯は終わった。	\N	His political career has ended.	CM
0	803042	0	0	He had lost all political power.	Source_VOA
96740	306964	彼らは政党を組織した。	\N	They organized a political party.	Nero
0	807143	0	0	Many lacked political experience.	Source_VOA
96802	306902	彼らは新しい政党を作った。	\N	They formed a new political party.	CK
143171	271397	政治情勢が変わった。	\N	The political situation has changed.	CK
0	1544030	0	0	Tom doesn't have a political agenda.	Spamster
0	2038631	0	0	The war on drugs is a political war.	chubbard
0	2268962	0	0	This newspaper has no political slant.	_undertoad
0	2640781	0	0	Tom and I have different political views.	CK
2362011	271373	政治意識を育むには時間がかかる。	tommy_san	Developing political awareness takes time.	CM
2362012	271373	政治意識の涵養には時間を要する。	tommy_san	Developing political awareness takes time.	CM
143166	271373	政治的意識を持つようになるには時間がかかる。	\N	Developing political awareness takes time.	CM
143195	271373	政治意識を持つようになるには時間がかかる。	\N	Developing political awareness takes time.	CM
103349	300344	彼は政界に敵が多い。	\N	He has many enemies in the political world.	bmorsello
96743	306961	彼らは政治上の問題について議論するのが好きだった。	\N	They liked to argue about political issues.	CK
0	680271	0	0	My ancestors hoped to find political asylum.	Source_VOA
0	805443	0	0	Lincoln welcomed his old political opponent.	Source_VOA
0	805391	0	0	Grant was not an effective political leader.	Source_VOA
0	802582	0	0	They have a right to their political beliefs.	Source_VOA
143200	271368	政治の腐敗にはうんざりですね。	\N	We are sick and tired of political corruption.	CK
164571	249936	私には政治活動に従事する暇はない。	\N	I have no time to engage in political activity.	CM
0	2259595	0	0	They often clashed over their political beliefs.	_undertoad
112595	291080	彼はその政党の主導権をにぎった。	mookeee	He assumed the leadership of the political party.	CM
112596	291080	彼はその政党の指導権をにぎった。	\N	He assumed the leadership of the political party.	CM
96801	306903	彼らは新しい政党を作ろうとしている。	\N	They are trying to organize a new political party.	CK
171867	242608	今日の政治状況はそれほど安定していない。	\N	The current political situation is not very stable.	CM
0	803332	0	0	He had made enemies during his early political life.	Source_VOA
143214	271354	政界の立候補者は家庭の価値について議論すべきだ。	\N	Political candidates should talk about family values.	CM
0	1541040	0	0	Our political system was shaped by feudal traditions.	SHamp
0	680273	0	0	They became citizens after receiving political asylum.	Source_VOA
111797	291881	彼はテレビでその戦争の政治的背景を説明した。	\N	He explained the political background of the war on TV.	CM
0	802747	0	0	They worried about increased political tension in Asia.	Source_VOA
237342	241165	講演者は政界の腐敗をほのめかした。	mookeee	The speaker hinted at corruption in the political world.	CM
137530	275706	大使館は外国人難民の政治亡命を拒否しました。	\N	The embassy denied political asylum to foreign refugees.	CM
0	680272	0	0	Thousands of people apply for political asylum each year.	Source_VOA
0	533614	0	0	They'll stop at nothing to achieve their political goals.	darinmex
0	680157	0	0	Those people are political allies and will help each other.	Source_VOA
109552	294138	彼は汚職と何らかの関係があるといわれています。	\N	He is said to have something to do with the political scandal.	CK
0	1123940	0	0	To many Americans, a two-party political system seems natural.	nadsat
143172	271396	政治活動はほとんどの職場で止めさせられる傾向にある。	\N	Political activity tends to be discouraged in most work places.	CM
0	682036	0	0	Are you satisfied with the political situation in your country?	Source_VOA
229912	67275	ある意味でそのような政治活動は一つの革命と言える。	\N	In a sense, such a political movement may be called a revolution.	CM
184762	21892	外国資本家は現地の政情不安が理由で手を引きました。	\N	Foreign investors backed off because of regional political unrest.	Swift