0 2272850 0 0 Tom is a politician. CK 1 164572 249935 私には政治家の素質はありません。 bunbuku I am not cut out to be a politician. CK 1 1347335 1347383 ベンジャミン・フランクリンはアメリカの政治家であり発明家であった。 bunbuku Benjamin Franklin was an American politician and inventor. CK 1 0 2383041 0 0 I don't trust politicians. diegohn 0 1992227 0 0 I don't trust politicians. Marcus 0 803001 0 0 He was not a good politician. Source_VOA 0 1611142 0 0 These politicians are corrupt. Spamster 0 908739 0 0 Who's your favorite politician? CK 0 739178 0 0 Italian politicians make me mad. Zifre 195913 33088 ホワイト氏は進歩的な政治家だ。 \N Mr. White is a liberal politician. CK 103338 300355 彼は政治家でなく弁護士です。 \N He is not a politician but a lawyer. Nero 230676 68044 あの政治家は野心に満ちている。 \N That politician is full of ambition. CM 0 1288648 0 0 People threw eggs at the politician. CK 143182 271386 政治家は国民のために奉仕すべきだ。 mookeee A politician should serve the people. CM 149893 264665 自分の過ちを認める政治家は、ほとんどいない。 \N Few politicians admit their mistakes. CK 116717 286953 彼の政治寿命はもうない。 \N His days as a politician are numbered. CM 229541 421988 あんな政治家には我慢できない。 \N I can't stand that kind of politician. CK 136714 276522 誰もあの政治家をほめない。 \N Nobody speaks well of that politician. CM 143180 271388 政治家は資金集めが上手だ。 \N Politicians are good at raising money. CK 0 2259361 0 0 The politician stirred up the workers. _undertoad 143176 1540023 政治家は約束を果たすべきだ。 \N Politicians should keep their promises. JimBreen 183074 20196 記者はその政治家を非難した。 \N The reporter criticized the politician. CK 0 680577 0 0 They contacted their local politicians. Source_VOA 0 681890 0 0 The politician was removed from office. Source_VOA 0 803165 0 0 He must be a good politician and leader. Source_VOA 79521 324198 約束を守らない政治家は多い。 szaby78 Many politicians fail to keep their word. CK 0 1126530 0 0 He's considered to be a great politician. nadsat 116548 287121 彼の大望は、大政治家になることだ。 \N His ambition was to be a great politician. CM 0 2820823 0 0 I can't quite picture Tom as a politician. sharptoothed 0 803265 0 0 He was a very smart lawyer and politician. Source_VOA 119013 284650 彼にはある政治家の息がかかっている。 \N He has the backing of a certain politician. CM 79521 619288 約束を守らない政治家は多い。 szaby78 Many politicians don't keep their promises. CK 0 681872 0 0 The politician proposed reforms to Congress. Source_VOA 138325 274910 多くの政治家は約束を守ることをしない。 \N Many politicians fail to keep their promises. CK 0 803297 0 0 He was a much better general than politician. Source_VOA 143183 271385 政治家は決して内心を見せない。 \N Politicians never tell us their inner thoughts. CM 165565 248940 私たちは政治家というと偽善を連想しがちだ。 \N We tend to associate politicians with hypocrisy. CM 0 1482408 0 0 Some politicians are wolves in sheep's clothing. Nero 0 1265164 0 0 Actors and politicians never pass up a photo op. darinmex 176229 238236 警察はその政治家が自分の部屋で死んでいるのを見つけた。 \N The police found the politician dead in his room. CK 0 805448 0 0 Lincoln was a good politician and a smart lawyer. Source_VOA 111894 291784 彼はついに政治家として名を残した。 \N He finally made a name for himself as a politician. CK 0 792233 0 0 The politician was thought to be telling the truth. CM 143192 271376 政治家が、インサイダー取引を包み隠そうとした。 mookeee The politician tried to cover up the insider trading. CK 112598 1008845 彼はその政治家に多額の賄賂を贈った。 \N He bribed that politician with a great deal of money. AOCinJAPAN 103282 300411 彼は正直な政治家だという定評がある。 \N He got the reputation for being an honest politician. Zifre 141029 273543 選挙公約を果たしてくれない政治家がいる。 \N Some politicians never make good on campaign promises. CM 1814463 273543 選挙公約を遂行しない政治家たちもいる。 bunbuku Some politicians never make good on campaign promises. CM 208678 45937 その政治家は賄賂を受け取ったことを恥じていなかった。 \N The politician was not ashamed of having taken bribes. CK 149604 264954 失言は政治家には命取りとなることがある。 \N A slip of the tongue is sometimes fatal to a politician. CM