Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Poverty"
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869814	680376	貧困が犯罪の源だという人もいる。	thyc244	Some people blame poverty for crime.	Source_VOA	1
0	1979236	0	0	I lived in poverty.	Guybrush88
0	681772	0	0	Tom grew up in poverty.	Source_VOA
85150	303175	貧乏のせいで彼は盗みを働くようになった。	\N	Poverty drove him to steal.	CM
100523	303175	彼は貧しいために盗みをはたらいた。	\N	Poverty drove him to steal.	CM
0	2268120	0	0	The family lived in poverty.	_undertoad
991871	992006	貧乏は諸悪の根源。	mookeee	Poverty is the root of all evil.	CK
144062	270504	人々は貧困に向かって奮闘した。	\N	People struggled against poverty.	CM
138304	274931	多くの病気が貧困から生じる。	\N	Many diseases result from poverty.	CM
0	702387	0	0	He attributes his poverty to bad luck.	darinmex
121224	282782	犯罪はしばしば貧困と関連があるとされてきた。	\N	Crime has often been related to poverty.	CK
0	681771	0	0	My neighborhood is threatened by poverty.	Source_VOA
138399	274830	多くの国には貧困という問題がある。	\N	Many countries have problems with poverty.	Nero
138405	274830	多くの国が貧困という問題を抱えている。	\N	Many countries have problems with poverty.	Nero
85171	318541	貧困は依然として犯罪の大きな原因である。	\N	Poverty is still the major cause of crime.	jakov
85172	318541	貧困は依然として犯罪の主要原因である。	\N	Poverty is still the major cause of crime.	jakov
85149	318564	貧乏のため彼は学校に通えなかった。	\N	Poverty prevented him from attending school.	CK
143071	271497	政府は貧困を一掃することを約束した。	\N	The government promised to wipe out poverty.	CM
0	681416	0	0	The country's main social problem is poverty.	Source_VOA
85175	318538	貧困が彼に独立することを教えた。	\N	Poverty had taught him to stand on his own feet.	CM
85174	318539	貧困のために人々は時に犯罪を犯すことがある。	\N	Poverty sometimes drives people to commit crimes.	CK
85178	318535	貧しさのため彼は研究を続けることが出来なかった。	\N	Poverty prevented him from continuing his studies.	CK
137213	276023	第3世界の貧困問題は緊迫している。	\N	The issue of Third World poverty is very pressing.	CM
146640	267921	少数民族達は偏見や貧困と戦っている。	\N	Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice and poverty.	CM
144220	270345	人口の増加こそが貧困を招いた。	\N	It was the increase in population that caused the poverty.	Dejo
0	1113841	0	0	46 million Americans lived under the poverty line in 2010.	Scott
0	703350	0	0	I'd rather live in peaceful poverty than in wealth and fear.	papabear
0	681773	0	0	Millions of people were living in poverty after the earthquake.	Source_VOA
146642	267919	少数民族たちは偏見や貧困など、いろいろなことと戦っている。	\N	Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice, poverty and so on.	CM
81009	322706	民族的少数派は偏見、貧困、抑圧と戦っている。	\N	Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice, poverty, and oppression.	CM
137336	275900	大統領は国民に貧窮や病気との戦いで団結するように呼びかけた。	\N	The president called on the people to unite in fighting poverty and disease.	CK
0	847243	0	0	"When poverty comes in the door, love flies out the window" is a saying as old as it is sad.	Source_Benedict_1921
0	1296473	0	0	Investment in education is undoubtedly the only effective way to bring a country out of poverty.	CM
83497	320219	米国の豊かさは発展途上国の貧しさと比較対照される。	\N	The affluence of the United States is often contrasted with the poverty of undeveloped countries.	CM
0	847258	0	0	Poverty does more to bring out the worst in people and conceal the best than anything else in the world.	Source_Benedict_1921