Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Predict"
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0	2246041	0	0	I predicted it.	CK	1
0	2855536	0	0	Tom predicted it.	Amastan	1
0	2243662	0	0	They're predicting rain.	CK	1
0	1024333	0	0	Tom predicted our success.	CK	1
0	1954687	0	0	I can't predict what'll happen.	CK	1
0	2091209	0	0	No one could've predicted this.	CK	1
1383978	293864	彼は雨になるだろうと予測した。	bunbuku	He predicted there would be rain.	CK	1
109825	293864	彼は雨になると予言した。	bunbuku	He predicted there would be rain.	CK	1
0	1954685	0	0	I can't predict what might happen.	CK	1
2488869	2488804	トムの予言はすべて当たった。	tommy_san	Everything Tom predicted came true.	sharptoothed	1
0	1095822	0	0	Tom attempted to predict the results.	CK	1
0	1028194	0	0	Tom predicted Mary would win the race.	CK	1
0	2308238	0	0	I couldn't have predicted this happening.	CK	1
0	1954684	0	0	We can't predict how Tom is going to feel.	CK	1
0	1954689	0	0	We can't predict where Tom is going to be.	CK	1
0	1954686	0	0	We can't predict what Tom is going to think.	CK	1
3043549	3043544	すべてがトムの予言通りに進んでいる。	tommy_san	Everything is working out just as Tom predicted.	CK	1
0	1553379	0	0	Tom and Mary got divorced, just like you predicted.	CK	1
0	1094869	0	0	Tom did a good job predicting who would win the election.	CK	1
95185	308522	彼女が優勝すると予想を彼はした。	\N	He predicted she would win.	CK
0	1629747	0	0	I can't predict the future.	Spamster
0	2745142	0	0	Can you predict the future?	Hybrid
0	877935	0	0	I can never predict anything.	alexmarcelo
0	2361070	0	0	I predicted this would happen.	CK
0	2958386	0	0	Tom tried to predict the future.	CK
206144	43389	その老人はわれわれの成功を予言した。	\N	The old man predicted our success.	CK
185529	22662	我々は本当に何も予言できはしない。	\N	We cannot really predict anything.	NekoKanjya
188002	913535	何が起こるか予測できない。	\N	We cannot predict what will happen.	Scott
0	2835626	0	0	Tom says he can predict the future.	CK
0	3129832	0	0	Nobody predicted this would happen.	CK
0	1531107	0	0	Just as Max predicted, our team lost.	erikspen
188003	25143	何が起こるか予測することはできない。	\N	There is no predicting what may happen.	CK
0	3041635	0	0	Tom was late, just like Mary predicted.	CK
0	681777	0	0	It's impossible to predict earthquakes.	Source_VOA
125095	278898	天気予報では今夜は雪だ。	\N	The weatherman predicts snow for tonight.	CK
0	662992	0	0	The events unfolded just as she predicted.	darinmex
0	681778	0	0	Which team do you predict will win the game?	Source_VOA
0	681779	0	0	Some people say they can predict the future.	Source_VOA
120772	283236	彼がどのように行動するか予想する手はないものか。	\N	Isn't there any way to predict how he'll act?	CM
0	3036300	0	0	What Tom predicted would happen has happened.	CK
0	3041636	0	0	Tom failed the test, just like Mary predicted.	CK
137215	276021	第3四半期は収入減が見込まれている。	\N	A loss in third-quarter revenues was predicted.	CM
126867	430066	地震を予測することは本当に可能なのだろうか。	\N	Is it really possible to predict an earthquake?	witbrock
147061	267500	将来何が起こるか誰が予言できるか。	\N	Who can predict what will happen in the future?	CM
0	2835542	0	0	Tom told Mary that he could predict the future.	CK
85748	317965	飛べないのと同じように私は未来を予言できない。	\N	I can no more predict the future than I can fly.	CM
0	2956124	0	0	Tom believed he could actually predict the future.	CK
0	2955474	0	0	Tom actually believed he could predict the future.	CK
0	3024447	0	0	Do you know anything about predicting the weather?	CK
0	2289	0	0	The best way to predict the future is to invent it.	al_ex_an_der