Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Presentation"
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0	1872470	0	0	Tom made an impressive presentation.	CK	1
1049205	282698	発表の時間は三十分でお願いします。	bunbuku	Please limit your presentation to 30 minutes.	CK	1
1049203	282698	プレゼンの時間は三十分でお願いします。	bunbuku	Please limit your presentation to 30 minutes.	CK	1
121308	282698	発表は30分以内に制限して下さい。	\N	Please limit your presentation to 30 minutes.	CK	1
0	1092881	0	0	Tom spent the whole morning getting ready for his presentation.	CK	1
0	2630294	0	0	Tom has to give a presentation.	meerkat
0	1470726	0	0	How can a presentation be made interesting?	Guybrush88
0	3110762	0	0	I didn't have enough time to finish my presentation.	CK
237020	34099	プレゼンテーションの前に資料に目を通しておくのが一番いい。	mookeee	It is best to review the material before the presentation.	CM
0	1581162	0	0	I had been up all night trying to finish the presentation.	ngdongit
150616	263942	時間が来たので私たちは発表を短めにしなければなりません。	\N	We ran out of time, so we had to cut our presentation short.	CK
0	1836004	0	0	I want to summarize the content of the presentation and draw a conclusion.	LanguageExpert
2306803	2307169	もっと時間をかけて発表を準備すべきだったと先生に言われた。	tommy_san	My teacher told me that I should have spent more time preparing my presentation.	CK
80651	323064	明日、大事なプレゼンがあるって言うのに、余裕綽々だね。	\N	You're pretty calm cool and collected for somebody who has a major presentation tomorrow.	CM