0 2042732 0 0 I want to cut down on the time it takes to process records. CK 1 0 1552324 0 0 It's a very simple process. Spamster 211919 49197 その過程を彼に説明した。 \N I explained the process to him. CK 223255 60587 このフィルムを現像・焼付けしてください。 \N I'd like to have this film processed. CK 0 2912585 0 0 How much do you know about the process? CK 166238 248266 私たちはバターを作るのに新しい工程を用いています。 \N We are using a new process to make butter. CK 0 1415704 0 0 Breathing is an involuntary bodily process. Nero 110986 292700 彼はボート作りの過程を説明した。 \N He explained the process of building a boat. CK 0 1893878 0 0 We don't have time to process all this data. CK 145431 269132 新しい橋の建設が進行中だ。 \N The new bridge is in process of construction. CM 0 674888 0 0 We eat more processed food than natural food. darinmex 0 497847 0 0 We're in the process of writing the report now. FeuDRenais 0 569043 0 0 We're in the process of remodelling our kitchen. darinmex 106948 296737 彼は最後の決心をする過程に合った。 \N He was in the process of making a final decision. CK 106949 296737 彼は最後の決心をするところだった。 \N He was in the process of making a final decision. CK 112220 291458 彼はそれらを組み立てる工程を説明した。 \N He explained the process of putting them together. CM 0 2007221 0 0 Let's see if we can speed up the process a little. CK 183058 20179 貴社からのどんなご注文にも、迅速に対処します。 \N Any orders you place with us will be processed promptly. NekoKanjya 185195 22326 解決策が功を奏したのは試行錯誤の結果だった。 \N Finding a solution that worked was a process of trial and error. CK 0 1948729 0 0 I consider making mistakes an important part of the learning process. al_ex_an_der 210568 47838 その国へ民主的な考えを導入するには時間がかかるだろう。 \N Introducing democratic ideas into that country will be a slow process. CM 236967 1892313 重要なのはゴールではなく、そこに至る道程である。 mookeee It's not the final goal, but the process of getting there that matters. CK 185466 22598 画像処理のソフトウエアを開発した会社をご存知でしたら教えてください。 \N Please advise us, if possible, of a company which has developed image processing software. Dejo