Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Profit"
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0	3330970	0	0	You made a profit.	CK	1
0	2293500	0	0	I barely make any profit now.	CK	1
0	1093865	0	0	Tom had a share in the profits.	CK	1
175082	239384	賢者は己の失策から学ぶ。	\N	A wise man profits from his mistakes.	CK	1
0	2031370	0	0	Tom wants a better percentage of the profits.	CK	1
0	3045735	0	0	Let's split the profits.	sharptoothed
0	2784498	0	0	They netted a good profit.	sharptoothed
0	2543941	0	0	Tom works for a non-profit.	CK
0	2259363	0	0	The profits were very high.	_undertoad
185266	22399	会社の利益は飛躍的に増加した。	\N	The company's profits soared.	Zifre
185271	22399	会社の収益は飛躍的に増加した。	\N	The company's profits soared.	Zifre
0	2796858	0	0	My profits were just on paper.	sharptoothed
78146	325572	旅行会社の収益が急増した。	mookeee	Travel agencies' profits soared.	CM
185714	22846	我々は全員で利益を分け合った。	\N	We shared the profit among us all.	CK
0	2784450	0	0	What was your net profit last year?	sharptoothed
99093	304606	彼は利益の分け前を要求した。	mookeee	He claimed his share of the profits.	CK
227170	64519	お互いに利益の分け前にあずかることにしよう。	\N	Let's agree to share in the profits.	CK
0	2268012	0	0	The business didn't produce a profit.	_undertoad
175089	239377	賢い人は転んでもただでは起きない。	\N	A wise person profits by his mistakes.	CK
156125	258293	私は車を売って大きな利益を得た。	\N	I made a good profit by selling my car.	CK
156241	258293	私は自分の車を売って大きな利益を得た。	\N	I made a good profit by selling my car.	CK
0	2270063	0	0	We'll divide the profits among all of us.	_undertoad
0	1671774	0	0	This company's profit margin is very big.	Spamster
114784	288887	彼はあらゆる物事を金もうけの見地で考えます。	\N	He thinks of everything in terms of profit.	CK
0	681203	0	0	The company's profits have been increasing.	Source_VOA
192172	29335	ロバートは利益のほんの一部しかもらわなかった。	bunbuku	Robert got a small proportion of the profit.	CK
184070	21198	株式投資は必ずしも利益を生むとは限らない。	\N	Stock investments do not always yield profit.	NekoKanjya
78400	325316	利益は300万ドルになるでしょう。	mookeee	The profit will amount to three million dollars.	CM
79900	323817	目先の利益だけにとらわれてはいけない。	\N	You must not think about your immediate profit only.	CM
0	2952399	0	0	I promise you a third of the profits after expenses.	CK
112440	291237	彼はその販売で1万ドルの利益をあげた。	\N	He made a profit of ten thousand dollars on the sale.	CK
0	2959131	0	0	The records of our company show a large profit for the year.	sharptoothed
0	954104	0	0	It's unlikely that our company will make a profit this year.	CK
0	1687533	0	0	This company uses cheap labor to increase its profit margins.	Spamster
0	3147893	0	0	We can't lower the prices any further and still make a profit.	CK
0	350645	0	0	It is still possible to make a profit when prices are falling.	human600
78396	325320	利益追求に必死のブローカーは、必ずしもルールブックにのっとっているとは限らないのです。	mookeee	Brokers struggling to make a profit don't always play by the book.	Dejo
187051	24188	家の価値が上がったおかげで、彼は家を売って大きな利益を得た。	\N	The rise in house prices enabled him to sell his house at a big profit.	CK
0	3227119	0	0	Our profits exceeded even the most optimistic estimates announced last year.	CK
0	954208	0	0	On a more positive note, we should be making a profit by this time next year.	CK
0	1371287	0	0	The Society for Protection of Nature is a non-profit, non-governmental organization.	MrShoval
183612	20734	企業は規模を縮小し、研究開発にふりむける利益分も減らしています。	\N	Corporations are downsizing and reducing the amount of profits they put back into R&D.	fcbond
0	3087399	0	0	Tom tried to profit from the tragedy by creating a false Facebook page to collect donations.	Hybrid