0 1025870 0 0 Tom dropped in at the pub on his way home from work. CK 1 0 1092176 0 0 Tom wrote the song that Mary sang last night at the pub. CK 1 0 3121874 0 0 Where is the nearest pub? Guybrush88 0 2181229 0 0 He ogled a girl outside a pub. Hybrid 0 719447 0 0 Have you been to this pub before? Guybrush88 227498 64851 おもしろい所といえばマリオ・パブですよ。 \N Mario's Pub is where the action is. CK 184541 21670 角を曲がったところにパブがある。 \N There's a pub just around the corner. CK 231278 68645 あのパブではビールを水増ししているのではないか。 \N I suspect they water down the beer in that pub. CM 113809 289864 彼はこのあたりの店では顔がきくんだ。 \N He's a regular at the bars and pubs around here. CK 192345 29508 レストランやパブは五つ木通りにたくさんあります。 \N Many restaurants and pubs are on Itsutsugi Street. CM 0 2982261 0 0 Tom walked into the pub and ordered a pint of beer. Hybrid 106668 297018 彼は仕事が終わるとすぐ一直線にパブへ向かう。 \N As soon as work is over, he makes a beeline for the pub. Nero 197915 35104 パブはビールを飲みに人々が集まる場所だ。 \N A pub is a popular gathering place in which to drink beer. CM 77379 326340 労働者たちはくつろげる酒場に集まることが好きである。 \N The workers like to gather in a pub where they can let their hair down. CM