148659 265900 手すりにつかまっていなさい。 \N Hold on to the rail. CK 1 2853022 2853082 トムは手すりに寄りかかっていた。 tommy_san Tom was leaning against the rail. CK 1 0 1892644 0 0 Tom was leaning against the porch railing with a drink in his hand. CK 1 91287 312427 彼女はレールのように痩せていた。 \N She was as thin as a rail. CM 104505 299186 彼は手すりにつかまろうとした。 \N He tried to grasp the rail. CM 207818 45072 その町には列車で行ける。 \N The town is accessible by rail. CK 104504 299187 彼は手すりに寄りかかっていました。 \N He was leaning against the rail. CK 0 2956854 0 0 Tom had to support himself on the railing. CK 0 548784 0 0 This railing is not as stable as it could be. darinmex 0 2959423 0 0 Hold on to the rail while going down these stairs. sharptoothed 0 3060878 0 0 Tom tried to steady himself by grabbing the railing. sharptoothed 149016 265542 車はガードレールに衝突して、丘を転げ落ちて行った。 \N The car crashed into the guard-rail and rolled down the hill. CM