0 3199618 0 0 Tom was the victim of a random sniper attack. patgfisher 1 85830 317882 被験者は無作為に抽出された。 tommy_san The people for the experiment were chosen at random. CK 1 0 2258278 0 0 He chose them at random. _undertoad 199647 36849 どれでもいいから本を三冊選びなさい。 \N Choose three books at random. CK 0 715782 0 0 We picked the number at random. darinmex 173389 241081 行き当たりばったりの発言をしないように努めなさい。 \N Try not to make random statements. Zifre 0 731323 0 0 I caught my son making prank calls to random phone numbers. darinmex