Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Reduce"
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2123447	1887777	値段を下げるべきだと思います。	bunbuku	I think we should reduce the price.	CK	1
193305	30470	もっと安くなりますか。	mookeee	Could you reduce the price a little?	CK	1
154754	1293302	私は肉を食べるのを控えた。	bunbuku	I've reduced the amount of meat I eat.	CK	1
0	1141236	0	0	The doctor told Tom to reduce his red meat consumption.	CK	1
0	803037	0	0	He was able to reduce taxes.	Source_VOA
186127	23261	我々はエネルギーの需要を減らさなくてはならない。	mookeee	We must reduce energy demand.	Swift
102531	301163	彼は体重を減らそうと努めた。	\N	He tried to reduce his weight.	CK
0	3147994	0	0	I bought it at a reduced price.	CK
184387	21515	学校は焼けて灰になった。	\N	Our school was reduced to ashes.	NekoKanjya
0	2403695	0	0	The building was reduced to rubble.	morgyn
226198	63538	カラオケはストレス解消によい。	mookeee	Karaoke is good for reducing stress.	CK
211951	49229	その火事で家は灰になった。	\N	The fire reduced the house to ashes.	Zifre
0	3147947	0	0	That store had to reduce their prices.	CK
1970868	803266	彼は輸入にかかる税を減らしたかった。	AkeruT	He wanted to reduce the tax on imports.	Source_VOA
104866	298824	彼は自分の品物の値段を下げねばならなかった。	\N	He had to reduce the price of his wares.	CM
157031	257503	私は今月支出をきりつめなくてはならない。	\N	I have to reduce my expenses this month.	sysko
172452	257503	今月は支出を切りつめなければならない。	\N	I have to reduce my expenses this month.	sysko
185882	23015	我々は原価を最小限に下げないといけない。	\N	We have to reduce the cost to a minimum.	CK
0	2970614	0	0	The price of these shoes has been reduced.	AlanF_US
222751	60081	この火事は全村を灰にしてしまった。	\N	The fire reduced the whole village to ashes.	CM
235593	72973	20パーセントから40パーセント値引きされているよ。	\N	Prices have been reduced by 20 to 40 percent.	CK
137654	275582	大火事のために町全体が灰になってしまった。	\N	The big fire reduced the whole town to ashes.	CM
0	681870	0	0	We reduced our spending during the recession.	Source_VOA
210075	47338	その施設は爆破によって廃虚になった。	\N	The explosion reduced the facilities to ruins.	CM
216172	53475	したがって生産費を削る必要がある。	\N	Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the cost.	CM
0	560313	0	0	The murder charge was reduced to manslaughter.	darinmex
0	807559	0	0	President Arthur wanted to reduce the tariffs.	Source_VOA
0	681871	0	0	Can you please reduce the volume of the music?	Source_VOA
137234	276002	大量生産が多くの商品価格を下げた。	\N	Mass production reduced the price of many goods.	CM
0	2836557	0	0	Salt water baths can help reduce arthritis pain.	patgfisher
0	803300	0	0	He began to work to get Congress to reduce taxes.	Source_VOA
193267	30432	もっと小さな家に移れば出費が切り詰められるだろう。	\N	Moving to a smaller place will reduce the expenses.	CM
143104	271464	政府は減税の意向を明言した。	\N	The government has declared its intention to reduce taxes.	CM
79583	324135	野党は所得税減税法案を提出した。	\N	The opposition party put forward a bill to reduce income tax.	CM
170215	244269	財政赤字の削減が政府の大きな関心事である。	\N	Reducing the budget deficit is a major concern of the government.	CK
0	2163125	0	0	Electric power companies are seeking to reduce their use of coal.	Source_VOA
205624	42869	それの価格を5%値引きしていただけるのでしたら、発注しようと思います。	\N	We will only consider placing an order if you reduce the price by 5%.	CK
235588	72968	20ユニット以上注文したら、値引きしていただけますか。	\N	If we place an order for more than 20 units, would you reduce the price?	CM
0	2110631	0	0	As a result of the weak economy, the working week at VW was reduced by 10 hours.	davearms
183612	20734	企業は規模を縮小し、研究開発にふりむける利益分も減らしています。	\N	Corporations are downsizing and reducing the amount of profits they put back into R&D.	fcbond
230363	67729	あまりチームに頼りすぎると、個人の闘争本能が減少するかもしれない。	\N	When you rely on the team too much, it may reduce your individual competitive instincts.	CM
174208	240261	誤解を減らすためには、私達は上手に意志の疎通を図る技術を身につけなければならない。	\N	To reduce misunderstandings we should learn the techniques for communicating successfully.	CM
183050	20172	貴社のご提案を検討した結果、価格の値下げには応じられないという結論となりました。	\N	We have considered your proposal, and we have decided that we are not able to reduce the price.	CK
0	953911	0	0	I've heard that eating one or two servings of fish a week will reduce your chances of getting heart disease.	CK
0	1141316	0	0	A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide pollution that we produce as a result of our activities. Some people try to reduce their carbon footprint because they are concerned about climate change.	Source_VOA