0 2254879 0 0 Who referred you? CK 1 205315 42558 それは何の事を言っているのですか。 \N What does it refer to? CK 1 176881 1499 君は僕のことを言っているのか。 \N Are you referring to me? CK 1 164184 1499 私のことを話しているの。 \N Are you referring to me? CK 1 235985 73367 10頁を参照してください。 mookeee Please refer to page ten. CK 1 2774232 2774239 何の話ですか? tommy_san What're you referring to? CK 1 136734 276502 誰のことを言っているのですか。 \N Who are you referring to? CK 1 2774232 2774238 何の話ですか? tommy_san What are you referring to? CK 1 236060 73441 10項を参照して下さい。 mookeee Please refer to paragraph ten. CK 1 0 3168078 0 0 Which one are you referring to? CK 1 1194161 255865 わたしはよくその辞書を引く。 mookeee I often refer to the dictionary. CK 1 158663 255865 私はよくその辞書を参照する。 mookeee I often refer to the dictionary. CK 1 0 2293252 0 0 I assume you're referring to Tom. CK 1 200309 37510 どの辞書を参考にしたんですか。 \N Which dictionary did you refer to? CK 1 0 2293253 0 0 I assume you're referring to Tom's problem. CK 1 0 1890806 0 0 Tom's doctor referred him to a cardiologist. CK 1 0 2293254 0 0 I assume you're referring to what happened here recently. CK 1 0 2957921 0 0 Tom referred to the map. CK 0 2957920 0 0 Tom referred to his notes. CK 0 302831 0 0 He referred to your illness. CM 0 2890408 0 0 Refer to my previous article. sharptoothed 232231 69601 あなたは何のことを言おうとしていたのかしら。 \N I wonder what you were referring to. CK 170182 244302 作家はよく辞書を参照する。 \N Writers often refer to a dictionary. CM 186105 23239 我々はこの町を小京都と呼ぶ。 \N We refer to this city as Little Kyoto. Swift 0 3322658 0 0 Which dictionary are you referring to? mervert1 0 2539214 0 0 I'm certain Tom was referring to Mary. CK 0 2361270 0 0 I don't know what you're referring to. CK 103182 300510 彼は生命の起源までとき及んだ。 \N He even referred to the origin of life. CM 103183 300510 彼は生命の起源にまでとき及んだ。 \N He even referred to the origin of life. CM 101532 302163 彼は二度とその事件に触れなかった。 \N He never referred to the incident again. CK 93914 309793 彼女の名前が会議で出た。 \N Her name was referred to in the meeting. CM 95402 308303 彼女が子供の頃のことを言うのをよく耳にする。 \N I often hear her refer to her childhood. CM 0 2958646 0 0 Tom was the one who referred Mary to us. CK 227350 64702 お願いだから、二度とこの件については言及しないで。 \N Don't refer to this matter again, please. CK 230178 67544 アメリカはしばしばるつぼと言われる。 \N America is often referred as a melting pot. CM 117031 924042 彼の手紙はその事件にそれとなくふれている。 \N His letter indirectly refers to the matter. Shiawase 173311 241159 講演者は時々メモを参照した。 \N The speaker sometimes referred to his notes. CM 0 2952762 0 0 I'm aware of the problem you're referring to. CK 94332 309374 彼女の主治医は彼女を専門家のほうに行かせた。 \N Her doctor wants to refer her to a specialist. Nero 194752 31926 メアリーは自分が見た事故について触れなかった。 \N Mary didn't refer to the accident she had seen. CK 173310 241160 講演者は時折メモを参照した。 \N The speaker occasionally referred to his notes. CM 0 2959409 0 0 I can refer you to a good book on this subject. sharptoothed 109578 294112 彼は演説の中で自分の過去の経験に言及した。 \N He referred to his past experience in his speech. CM 0 795012 0 0 Shanghai is referred to as the Paris of the East. U2FS 193673 30841 もし困った事があればユーザーズガイドにあたってください。 \N Refer to the Users' Guide if you have any problems. CM 173306 241163 講演者は数分後とにメモを参照した。 \N The speaker referred to his notes every few minutes. CK 173307 241163 講演者は数分ごとにメモを参照した。 \N The speaker referred to his notes every few minutes. CK 0 1202211 0 0 Please refer to the owner's manual for more details. CK 0 2258914 0 0 In my article, I referred to your book a great deal. _undertoad 173304 241167 講演者は話の間中メモを参照しなかった。 \N The speaker did not refer to his notes during his talk. CK