145832 268730 食事は規制正しくとりなさい。 \N You have to eat regularly. CK 228773 66131 いつも9時には寝ます。 \N I regularly go to bed at nine. CK 87819 315888 彼女は定期的に私をたずねてきたものだった。 \N She used to visit me regularly. CK 183093 20215 規則正しく運動するのは良い事だと思う。 \N I believe in exercising regularly. CK 0 3310043 0 0 We've been communicating regularly. CK 187884 25023 何か薬を常用していますか。 \N Are you taking any medicine regularly? CK 127225 276842 男の中には定期的に入浴するのが嫌いな子もいる。 \N Some boys don't like to bathe regularly. CM 127247 276842 男の子の中には定期的に入浴するのが嫌いな子もいる。 \N Some boys don't like to bathe regularly. CM 0 1024277 0 0 Tom regularly eats sushi with his mother. CK 87059 316651 彼女は必ずピアノの練習をしている。 \N She practices playing the piano regularly. CK 0 1504915 0 0 She demanded that he attend school regularly. verbum 216090 53391 しばらくあなたは通院する必要があります。 \N You'll have to visit me regularly for a while. CM 183094 20216 規則正しくピアノを練習すべきです。 \N You should practice playing the piano regularly. CK 0 2959006 0 0 Tom has been calling me regularly every evening. sharptoothed 0 2318163 0 0 He regularly trains with bodybuilding equipment. Gulliver 78872 324844 洋服を定期的に買う余裕はありません。 \N I don't earn enough money to buy clothes regularly. CK 93146 310563 彼女はオーストラリアのペンパルと定期的に文通している。 \N She corresponds regularly with her pen pal in Australia. CM 233101 70471 あなたの忠告に従い、私は運動をもっと規則正しくすることに決めました。 \N Acting on your advice, I've decided to exercise more regularly. CM 0 954860 0 0 You're the only person I know who regularly gets my name wrong. CK 183091 20213 規則的に戸外で働く人は不眠症で苦しむことはない。 \N People who regularly work in the open air do not suffer from sleeplessness. CK 0 954454 0 0 Washing your hands regularly is a good way to prevent catching some diseases. CK