0 2288975 0 0 Don't talk to me about religion. CK 1 0 1094981 0 0 Tom decided not to discuss religion. CK 1 0 2179166 0 0 It's against my religion. Hybrid 148250 266309 宗教は信じない。 \N I don't believe in religion. CK 179711 18569 金をかせぐことが彼の生きがいだ。 \N Making money is his religion. Zifre 0 681529 0 0 Every religion prohibits murder. Source_VOA 0 2280868 0 0 They want to talk about religion. ichivivi20 148254 266305 宗教については何の意見も持っていない。 \N She has no opinion about religion. CK 0 2005037 0 0 He finds strength in his religion. Guybrush88 148249 266310 宗教は人類のアヘンである。 \N Religion is the opium of the people. Eldad 96813 306891 彼らは信仰の自由のために戦った。 \N They fought for freedom of religion. CK 234169 71542 あなたがたは彼らの宗教のことを考えなくてはなりません。 \N You should think of their religions. CK 165566 248939 私たちは政治と宗教を分けなければならない。 \N We must separate politics from religion. CK 148247 266312 宗教を信じない人もいます。 \N Some people don't believe in any religion. CK 0 1127834 0 0 Sometimes I wish I had a different religion. alexmarcelo 0 1539946 0 0 It's time to establish the religion of love. Scott 101469 302226 彼は日本の宗教に精通している。 \N He has a good knowledge of Japanese religion. CK 184916 22047 開拓民たちはキリスト教を信奉した。 \N The settlers embraced the Christian religion. CK 0 714848 0 0 Superstition is the religion of feeble minds. Scott 0 2959357 0 0 I prefer to refrain from discussing religion. sharptoothed 0 545300 0 0 Certain religions are against organ donation. darinmex 122274 281729 日本人はあまり宗教にはこだわらない。 \N Japanese are not so particular about religion. CM 77978 325740 両地域は宗教と文化が違っている。 mookeee The two regions differ in religion and culture. CM 0 2268728 0 0 There's no freedom of religion in this country. _undertoad 0 1948291 0 0 Religion was very important in the Middle Ages. Guybrush88 0 2959367 0 0 I just got a few interesting books on religion. sharptoothed 402586 402587 多くの宗教において、姦淫は罪悪とされる。 Grayster According to many religions, adultery is a crime. Grayster 0 807677 0 0 Catholics could not openly observe their religion. Source_VOA 225759 63097 キリスト教とイスラム教は異なった2つの宗教だ。 \N Christianity and Islam are two different religions. CK 0 2724527 0 0 What's the difference between a religion and a cult? Hybrid 0 2958982 0 0 Tom is very tolerant in his attitude toward religion. sharptoothed 2864053 2921288 宗教と哲学の違いはどこにあるのですか? tommy_san What's the difference between religion and philosophy? AlanF_US 2941017 2921288 宗教と哲学ってどこが違うんですか? tommy_san What's the difference between religion and philosophy? AlanF_US 2941018 2921288 宗教と哲学ってどう違うんですか? tommy_san What's the difference between religion and philosophy? AlanF_US 2941019 2921288 宗教と哲学は何が違うのですか? tommy_san What's the difference between religion and philosophy? AlanF_US 2941020 2921288 宗教と哲学の違いは何ですか? tommy_san What's the difference between religion and philosophy? AlanF_US 2941021 2921288 宗教と哲学の違いって何なんですか? tommy_san What's the difference between religion and philosophy? AlanF_US 148255 266304 宗教と政治について論じ合うことは避けたほうがよい。 bunbuku You'd better avoid discussion of religion and politics. CK 0 2283222 0 0 There is a great conflict between religion and science. ichivivi20 405058 534698 仏教は、インドの釈迦を開祖とする宗教である。 xtofu80 Buddhism is a religion founded by the Indian Shakyamuni. Scott 0 1163478 0 0 Are there any religions that don't permit organ donation? CK 104396 299295 彼は宗教に関することなら何にでも興味をもっている。 \N He is interested in anything that has to do with religion. CK 391765 391767 宗教なき社会は、羅針盤のない船のようなものである。 Scott A society without religion is like a ship without a compass. Scott 83839 319877 仏教に関するその記事は私に再び東洋の宗教に関する興味を呼び起こした。 \N The article on Buddhism revived my interest in Oriental religions. CM 148248 266311 宗教を持っていたおかげもあって、私の母は父の死を受け入れることができた。 \N My mother's religion helped her to come to terms with my father's death. CM 231143 68510 あの会社は、人種や宗教、国籍に関係なく人を雇う。 \N That company hires people without regard to race, religion, or nationality. Zifre 230254 67619 アメリカでは信仰の自由は権利章典で保証されていることの一つである。 \N In the U.S., freedom of religion is one of the guarantees of the Bill of Rights. CM 0 1522369 0 0 If religion were synonymous with morality, Brazil would be the most uncorrupted country in the world. erikspen 0 1837947 0 0 I want a religion that respects the differences that exist between people and that states that each individual has their own personality. LanguageExpert