Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Reverse"
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930295	930292	アルファベットを後ろから言ってください。	mookeee	Please say the alphabet in reverse.	CK	1
106369	297317	彼は私が頼んだことの逆をやった。	bunbuku	He did the reverse of what I asked.	CK	1
929902	930292	アルファベットを逆から言ってください。	Scott	Please say the alphabet in reverse.	CK	1
205750	42995	それでは本末転倒だ。	\N	That's reversing the logical order of things.	CM
0	2985497	0	0	The facts are just the reverse of what Tom told you.	sharptoothed
0	2985713	0	0	Do you think the judge will reverse his decision when he hears the new evidence?	sharptoothed
0	953929	0	0	If a man wants to learn to sound like a native speaker of Japanese, he shouldn't only learn Japanese from women. The reverse is true for a woman.	CK