Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Row"
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0	2238783	0	0	Tom stopped rowing.	CK	1
0	1093456	0	0	Tom is on death row.	CK	1
190024	27180	一列に並んで下さい。	bunbuku	Please line up in a row.	CK	1
0	1024235	0	0	Tom sat in the front row.	CK	1
0	2985365	0	0	Tom sat in the third row.	sharptoothed	1
0	3223023	0	0	Let's sit in the front row.	CK	1
199914	37115	トムは私の2列前にすわっていた。	bunbuku	Tom sat two rows ahead of me.	CK	1
0	2406153	0	0	I saw Tom sitting in the third row.	CK	1
165025	249481	私たちは流れに逆らってボートを漕いでいました。	bunbuku	We were rowing against the current.	CK	1
0	3241690	0	0	I'll save you a seat in the front row.	CK	1
0	1027150	0	0	Tom always wants to sit in the front row.	CK	1
0	960509	0	0	Tom has been on death row for three years.	CK	1
196541	33719	ボートをこいでいる少年は私の友人です。	mookeee	The boy rowing the boat is a friend of mine.	CK	1
0	1951808	0	0	I can't handle two nights in a row with Tom.	CK	1
0	2031972	0	0	Many inmates on death row say they want to die.	CK	1
0	1029796	0	0	Tom and Mary usually like to sit in the front row.	CK	1
0	2034584	0	0	Many inmates on death row say they don't want to die.	CK	1
0	960511	0	0	Tom is one of the more than 3,000 inmates on death row.	CK	1
0	2042878	0	0	I think Tom didn't want to hang out with you guys two nights in a row.	CK	1
0	1029664	0	0	Tom asked Mary to see about getting front row seats at the Lady Gaga concert.	CK	1
0	960478	0	0	She is on death row.	alexmarcelo
96685	307017	彼らは川を舟をこいで上った。	\N	They rowed up the river.	CK
96688	307017	彼らは川をこいで上りました。	\N	They rowed up the river.	CK
0	2268606	0	0	The trees were in a row.	_undertoad
0	2985543	0	0	Row me across the river.	sharptoothed
0	2644819	0	0	Tom sat in the first row.	CK
97531	306171	彼らは一列に並んで立っていた。	\N	They were standing in a row.	CK
0	436671	0	0	I have a few tickets in row 15.	lukaszpp
0	3223086	0	0	Tom is sitting in the first row.	CK
0	2064498	0	0	It snowed for ten days in a row.	halfb1t
174169	240301	交替でボートをこごう。	\N	Let's take turns rowing the boat.	CK
226094	240301	かわるがわるボート漕ごう。	\N	Let's take turns rowing the boat.	CK
0	2985289	0	0	You'll have to row the boat, too.	sharptoothed
0	2955539	0	0	Tom always sits in the front row.	CK
196540	33720	ボートをこぎに湖に出かけた。	\N	We went to the lake to row a boat.	CK
0	1819073	0	0	It rained for three days in a row.	pne
96565	307140	彼らは池でボートを漕いでいる。	\N	They are rowing a boat on the pond.	CK
0	2712832	0	0	Tom rowed the boat across the lake.	CK
0	2476765	0	0	I saw Tom sitting in the first row.	arnxy20
93482	310226	彼女はCDを棚に1列に並べた。	\N	She put her CDs in a row on the shelf.	CM
196542	1449319	ボートをこいでいる女の子は私のいとこだ。	\N	The girl rowing the boat is my cousin.	CK
0	2361326	0	0	I don't like sitting in the front row.	CK
100636	303062	彼は必ず前列に席を取った。	\N	He always took a seat in the front row.	CK
95311	308394	彼女が前の列に座っているのに気づいた。	\N	I noticed that she sat in the front row.	CM
95312	308394	彼女が前の列に座っているのに気がついた。	\N	I noticed that she sat in the front row.	CM
0	2956912	0	0	Tom has missed three deadlines in a row.	CK
186894	24031	家並みを分断する運河が流れていた。	\N	A canal flowed between two rows of houses.	CM
185503	22635	我々は流れに逆らって川の上流へとこいでいった。	\N	We rowed up the river against the current.	NekoKanjya
165528	248977	私たちは川の強い流れにさからってボートをこぐことができなかった。	\N	We couldn't row against the strong current.	CK
0	3130140	0	0	There's a guy named Tom Jackson on death row.	CK