0 1528541 0 0 Tom did it for the sake of his country. Spamster 1 1218420 388581 彼女は単に議論のために論じる。 bunbuku She argues just for the sake of arguing. CK 1 90553 388581 彼女は議論のために抗議する。 \N She argues just for the sake of arguing. CK 1 0 1095939 0 0 Tom and Mary have to stay married for the sake of the children. CK 1 0 1258455 0 0 Tom is the type of person who likes to argue just for the sake of arguing. CK 1 0 2985721 0 0 Do it for my sake. sharptoothed 148447 266112 酒は米で作ります。 \N We make sake from rice. CM 0 2127222 0 0 He did it only for my sake. freddy1 137961 275275 体面を保つために行った。 \N For appearances sake, I went. Nero 123895 1133493 豆腐は良い酒の肴になる。 \N Tofu goes well with good sake. CK 156285 258249 私は自分のためにそうしたのです。 \N I did so for the sake of my health. CM 90553 313159 彼女は議論のために抗議する。 \N She argues for the sake of arguing. CK 0 2265963 0 0 For goodness' sake, don't say that! _undertoad 162793 251719 私の父は日本酒をあまりたくさん飲まない。 \N My father doesn't drink so much sake. U2FS 0 942132 0 0 My father doesn't drink too much sake. U2FS 122311 281692 日本酒を飲むといつでも頭痛がする。 \N Whenever I drink sake, I get a headache. CM 391956 416559 うまい酒に宣伝はいらない。 Scott There's no need to advertise a good sake. Scott 174289 240180 後生だから、彼にやさしくして。 \N For goodness' sake, please be nice to him. CM 96172 306548 彼らは母国のために戦った。 \N They fought for the sake of their country. CM 96661 306548 彼らは祖国のために戦った。 \N They fought for the sake of their country. CM 97155 306548 彼らは国の為に戦った。 \N They fought for the sake of their country. CM 107753 295932 彼は健康のため煙草をやめた。 \N He quit smoking for the sake of his health. CK 175445 239020 健康上の理由で仕事を止めます。 \N I'll quit my job for the sake of my health. CK 157310 257224 私は健康のためにたばこを吸うのをやめた。 \N I stopped smoking for the sake of my health. CM 165109 249397 私たちは未来のために過去を学ぶ。 \N We study the past for the sake of the future. CM 107754 295931 彼は健康のために酒をやめた。 \N He gave up drinking for the sake of his health. CK 109243 294447 彼は家族のために、とても一生懸命働いた。 \N He worked very hard for the sake of his family. CK 147073 267488 将来のために勉強したほうがよい。 \N You'd better study for the sake of your future. CM 0 2928857 0 0 Some people argue just for the sake of arguing. eirik174 0 2276608 0 0 Sake is a traditional Japanese alcoholic drink. Hybrid 97072 306632 彼らは子供たちのために懸命に働いた。 \N They worked hard for the sake of their children. CK 107752 295933 彼は健康のため禁煙した。 Blanka_Meduzo He has given up smoking for the sake of his health. CK 98704 304996 彼らが結婚生活を続けていられるのは子供たちのことを考えてのことだ。 \N They stayed married for the sake of their children. CK 84643 319071 父は以前ビールを飲んでいたが、今は日本酒を飲む。 mookeee My father used to drink beer, but now he drinks sake. CM 0 1163472 0 0 Please don't nitpick just for the sake of nitpicking. CK 107755 295930 彼は健康のためにもっと暖かいところへ引っ越した。 \N He moved to a warmer place for the sake of his health. CK 84598 1982192 父は健康のためにタバコをやめた。 \N My father has quit smoking for the sake of his health. CK 90263 313451 彼女は健康のためにもっと温かいところへ引っ越した。 bunbuku She moved to a warmer place for the sake of her health. CK 178068 16920 君の父さんは君のためにあんなにも苦労したのだ。 \N Your father went through all that trouble for your sake. eastasiastudent 97073 306631 彼らは子供たちのためだけに別れないでいた。 \N They only stayed together for the sake of their children. CK 106557 297129 彼は子供たちのために、やれることはなんでもやった。 \N He did everything he could do for the sake of his children. CK 0 3060722 0 0 Let's suppose, for the sake of argument, that you're right. sharptoothed 203401 40639 たばこをやめるのはつらいけど、健康のためにやめるべきだ。 \N To give up smoking is not easy, but you should for the sake of your health. CK