0 2123581 0 0 It's sand. CK 1 226186 63527 ガラスは砂から作られる。 \N Glass is made from sand. CK 1 3010177 323745 目に砂が入った。 tommy_san I got some sand in my eye. Zifre 1 79972 323745 目に砂が入りました。 bunbuku I got some sand in my eye. Zifre 1 0 1095723 0 0 Tom brushed the sand off his pants. CK 1 0 1094092 0 0 Tom filled the wheelbarrow with sand. CK 1 77280 326439 老人はラバに砂のいっぱい入った袋をのせた。 mookeee The old man loaded his mule with bags full of sand. CK 1 169564 244921 鮭は川をさかのぼって砂に産卵する。 bunbuku Salmon go up the river and lay their eggs in the sand. CK 1 0 1923379 0 0 I hate sand. Spamster 0 1624873 0 0 We made a sand castle. marcelostockle 0 2985591 0 0 Let's lie on the sand. sharptoothed 184057 21185 乾いた砂は水を吸い込む。 \N Dry sand absorbs water. NekoKanjya 0 2267747 0 0 Spread the sand evenly. _undertoad 0 2642631 0 0 Tom loaded the truck with sand. CK 85218 318495 浜辺の砂は白かった。 \N The sand on the beach was white. CK 0 3123716 0 0 Tom filled his bucket with sand. Hybrid 0 1225281 0 0 The frame still has to be sanded. nadsat 0 1215228 0 0 Don't bury your head in the sand. PeterR 0 680688 0 0 Children love to dig in the sand. Source_VOA 107006 296681 彼は砂を手いっぱいにすくいあげた。 \N He scooped up sand by the handful. CM 174863 239604 現実を回避するのはもうやめろ。 \N Stop hiding your head in the sand. CM 185839 22972 我々は砂の上に足跡を見つけた。 \N We found the footprints in the sand. Dejo 0 680457 0 0 She's burying her money in the sand. Source_VOA 0 2958030 0 0 Tom sat down on the sand next to Mary. CK 199738 36940 トラックは砂を地面にどさっと落した。 \N The truck dumped the sand on the ground. CK 143528 271039 数人の子供が砂浜で遊んでいる。 \N Several children are playing in the sand. Dejo 0 2515223 0 0 Tom destroyed the children's sand castle. Hybrid 0 680405 0 0 There is sand at the bottom of the ocean. Source_VOA 0 1225283 0 0 The frame has to be sanded and varnished. nadsat 0 1707272 0 0 There were penguin footprints in the sand. AnneWy 0 3010163 0 0 This is a good place to build a sand castle. Hybrid 170898 243582 砂から金を分離採集する方法をあなたにお見せしましょう。 \N I'll show you how to separate gold from sand. CM 0 2925546 0 0 Tom bent down and picked up a handful of sand. CK 0 1010130 0 0 The children built a sand castle on the beach. allmarangie 212681 49964 そのビンは砂のようにみえるので一杯だった。 \N The bottle was filled with what looked like sand. CM 0 3123718 0 0 Tom filled his bucket with sand and turned it over. Hybrid 168712 245779 子供たちは浜辺で砂の城を作っている。 \N The children are building sand castles on the beach. CM 982399 974174 浜辺にいる子供たちが砂のお城を造っている。 thyc244 The children on the beach are building a sand castle. FeuDRenais 175107 239359 見渡す限り砂ばかりだった。 \N There was nothing but sand as far as the eye could see. CK 80020 323697 目がとどく限り、砂以外の何物もなかった。 \N As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but sand. CK 0 3123739 0 0 Mary filled her bucket with sand using a plastic shovel. Hybrid 0 434130 0 0 "Blood and Sand" is the title of a novel by Blasco Ináñez. lukaszpp 175106 239312 見渡す限り砂以外何も見えなかった。 marcelostockle As far as the eye could reach, nothing was to be seen but sand. CM 175115 239312 見渡すかぎり砂のほかには何も見えなかった。 \N As far as the eye could reach, nothing was to be seen but sand. CM 175154 239312 見わたすかぎり砂のほかには見えなかった。 \N As far as the eye could reach, nothing was to be seen but sand. CM 0 3123721 0 0 Tom and Mary played in the sandbox together and made sand castles. Hybrid 0 549628 0 0 I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Spamster 0 1531537 0 0 The rocks on this beach remind me of those summer days when Laura and I played in the sand until nightfall. erikspen