Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Scene"
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2126226	1860439	声を立てて騒ぐな。	bunbuku	Don't make a scene.	CK	1
0	2275187	0	0	Don't cause a scene now.	CK	1
0	2262858	0	0	It was a terrible scene.	CK	1
1278759	237748	現場に野次馬が集まった。	bunbuku	A crowd gathered at the scene.	CK	1
176714	237748	群衆が現場に群がった。	bunbuku	A crowd gathered at the scene.	CK	1
0	2314987	0	0	I didn't mean to make a scene.	CK	1
96955	644099	彼らは事故の現場へ急行した。	bunbuku	They hurried to the scene of the accident.	CK	1
1137900	56119	これが事件現場に乗り捨てられていたものと同じ車です。	bunbuku	This is the same car that was left at the scene of the crime.	CK	1
218804	56119	これこそ事件現場に乗り捨ててあった自動車だ。	\N	This is the same car that was left at the scene of the crime.	CK	1
0	1095267	0	0	Tom claims that he wasn't anywhere near the murder scene at the time of the murder.	CK	1
0	2210461	0	0	She made a scene.	Hybrid
0	2985705	0	0	Don't make a scene.	sharptoothed
0	1913095	0	0	What a beautiful scene!	CK
0	2268970	0	0	This scene delights me.	_undertoad
0	2267381	0	0	It was a horrible scene.	_undertoad
0	2210466	0	0	She made a scene about it.	Hybrid
0	678341	0	0	She was at the crime scene.	Eldad
0	1112069	0	0	That's a heartwarming scene.	Scott
143946	270619	人前で大騒ぎするな。	\N	Don't make a scene in public.	CK
0	1800324	0	0	The scene is always the same.	menyo
112629	291047	彼はその場面を見て驚いた。	\N	He was surprised at the scene.	CK
0	1286396	0	0	Let's rehearse the fourth scene.	CM
115655	288015	彼は、その光景を詳細に述べた。	\N	He described the scene in detail.	CK
154608	257283	私は犯罪の現場に行ってみた。	marcelostockle	I went to the scene of the crime.	CK
157250	257283	私は現場に行ってみた。	\N	I went to the scene of the crime.	CK
92405	311306	彼女はその場の光景を詳細に述べた。	\N	She described the scene in detail.	CK
0	678338	0	0	She was at the scene of the crime.	Eldad
76228	327489	恐ろしい光景に彼は戦慄した。	mookeee	He shuddered at the terrible scene.	CM
208933	46193	その場面はスローモーションで再生された。	\N	The scene was shown in slow motion.	CM
76228	1316052	恐ろしい光景に彼は戦慄した。	mookeee	The terrible scene made him shudder.	CK
0	1750088	0	0	Were you present at the crime scene?	djtait
0	2268130	0	0	The first scene has a lot of action.	_undertoad
0	573671	0	0	Police cordoned off the crime scene.	darinmex
183341	20464	機動隊が現場に到着した。	\N	The riot police arrived on the scene.	NekoKanjya
214090	453493	スローモーションでその場面を見せた。	\N	They showed the scene in slow motion.	FeuDRenais
208930	46190	その場面をスローモーションで見たい。	\N	I want to see the scene in slow motion.	CK
198324	35516	パイロットはその光景を詳細に述べた。	\N	The pilot described the scene in detail.	CK
235580	72961	20人の警官が現場に現れた。	\N	Twenty police have arrived on the scene.	CM
189327	2737407	映画のシナリオみたいですね。	\N	It's like a scene from a movie, isn't it?	CK
0	1201396	0	0	What's your favorite scene from the show?	Guybrush88
0	842938	0	0	Do not make a scene in front of everyone.	J_S
174182	240288	交渉の場を設定せねばならない。	\N	We have to set the scene for negotiations.	CM
0	2985421	0	0	This is the third scene of the second act.	sharptoothed
176001	238464	劇のこっけいな場面はやり過ぎであった。	\N	The comic scenes in the play were overdone.	CK
76228	1316059	恐ろしい光景に彼は戦慄した。	mookeee	The terrible scene made him tremble in fear.	CK
176284	238179	警察が事故現場に着いた。	\N	The police got to the scene of the accident.	CK
172972	241501	黒幕的な存在は誰だ。	\N	Who's pulling the strings behind the scenes?	CK
176393	238071	警官がその事故の現場に居合わせた。	\N	The police were on the scene of the accident.	CM
186660	23796	火事場はやじ馬で大変だった。	\N	A big crowd gathered at the scene of the fire.	CK
120420	283589	彼が現場にいなかったのは本当だと思う。	\N	I think it's true that he wasn't at the scene.	Dejo