Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Section"
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109179	294511	彼は課長に昇進した。	bunbuku	He was promoted to section chief.	CK	1
179954	18813	禁煙席はありますか。	\N	Do you have a non-smoking section?	CK	1
179955	18814	禁煙席がいいのですが。	bunbuku	Could we have a table in the non-smoking section?	CK	1
0	687684	0	0	Where's the men's section?	lukaszpp
0	687688	0	0	Where's the women's section?	lukaszpp
0	687680	0	0	Where's the children's section?	lukaszpp
220065	57384	この部の責任者は誰か。	\N	Who's in charge of this section?	Dejo
108686	295002	彼は企画課で働いている。	bunbuku	He works in the planning section.	CK
90797	2726528	彼女は課長に話しかけた。	\N	She spoke to the section manager.	WestofEden
0	3022649	0	0	Cut the pipe into equal sections.	sharptoothed
0	2540378	0	0	Tom read the sports section first.	CK
108687	295003	彼は企画部門に属している。	\N	He belongs to the planning section.	CK
136942	276294	誰が営業部を担当しているのですか。	\N	Who's in charge of the sales section?	CK
116460	287209	彼の店は町の賑やかな区域にある。	\N	His shop is in a busy section of town.	CM
125409	278583	部長が提案を受け入れました。	Blanka_Meduzo	The section chief accepted the proposal.	CK
182797	19918	喫煙席を頼んでおいたのですが。	\N	I asked for a seat in the smoking section.	CK
182799	19918	喫煙席を頼んだのですが。	\N	I asked for a seat in the smoking section.	CK
1484823	1336547	数学の部分に満点をとれた。	marshmallowcat	I got a perfect score on the math section.	Scott
186523	23659	課長は私を奴隷のように働かせた。	\N	The section chief made me work like a slave.	NekoKanjya
182802	19923	喫煙席がいいのですが。	\N	Could we have a table in the smoking section?	NekoKanjya
179951	18810	禁煙席を頼んでおいたのですが。	\N	I asked for a seat in the no-smoking section.	CK
0	453163	0	0	We'd like a table in the non-smoking section.	FeuDRenais
157578	18811	私は禁煙席を頼んだのですが。	\N	I asked for a seat in the non-smoking section.	CK
179952	18811	禁煙席を頼んだのですが。	\N	I asked for a seat in the non-smoking section.	CK
179953	18812	禁煙席をお願いします。	\N	I would like to sit in the non-smoking section.	CK
169376	1490621	山田さんは人事課長です。	\N	Mr. Yamada is in charge of the personnel section.	CK
163916	250594	私の課は男性7人と女性4人です。	\N	There are seven men and four women in my section.	CM
149679	264879	自由席を三枚ください。	\N	Could I have three seats in the unreserved section?	Zifre
84078	319637	部長カンカンになって怒ってたぞ。お前何をしたんだよ。	\N	The section chief was really livid. What did you do?	CM
145969	268593	課長は職権を乱用することが好きなようだね。	Scott	The section chief seems to like abusing his authority.	Scott
76848	326872	ウチも分煙しなきゃいけないよねぇ。	Japanese	We'll also have to create a separate smoking section, won't we?	CK
206664	43912	その本は図書館の歴史部門で見つかるよ。	\N	You will find that book in the historical section of the library.	CK
228226	65580	うちの課長は私が何かを頼むといつも渋い顔をするんだ。	bunbuku	Our section chief always makes a face at me when I ask him for something.	CK