0 2248471 0 0 Is it secure? CK 1 0 2249130 0 0 It's not secure. CK 1 0 2247990 0 0 I'm financially secure. CK 1 0 3022592 0 0 I feel secure in my new job. sharptoothed 1 0 3022516 0 0 Is this bolt secure? sharptoothed 119219 284444 彼と一緒だと安心感がある。 \N I feel secure with him. CK 0 3022454 0 0 Secure the door before you leave. sharptoothed 147078 267483 将来について心配はありませんか。 \N Do you feel secure about the future? CM 0 1216859 0 0 Please choose a more secure password. Eldad 108109 295577 彼は苦労して顧客を獲得した。 \N He has managed to secure several accounts. CK 210112 47376 その子供は母親の腕の中に抱かれて安心した。 \N That child felt secure in his mother's arms. CK 0 681362 0 0 Children need limits in order to feel secure. Source_VOA 0 3022661 0 0 Can you secure a seat on the airplane for me? sharptoothed 0 1508610 0 0 A secure income is an important thing for me. wrarshad91 209285 46546 その小さな男の子は父親の腕に抱かれて安心した。 \N The little boy felt secure in his father's arms. CK 217508 54817 コンサート用によい席を2つ取ってくれませんか。 \N Can you secure me two good seats for the concert? CM 78934 324782 与党は5時現在で50議席確保している。 bunbuku The ruling party has secured 50 seats as of 5 o'clock. CM 142465 272105 席を確保するには列に並びさえすればいい。 \N All you have to do to secure a seat is to wait in line. CK 78327 325390 離着陸の際にはシートベルトをしめて下さい。 mookeee Please secure your seat belt during takeoff and landing. CM 0 681082 0 0 Many people feel that gold is the most secure investment. Source_VOA 75879 327839 地方の道路整備のための財源確保が必要です。 mookeee It is necessary to secure financing for local road maintenance. CM 198758 35953 ニュースによれば、午後5時現在で連立与党が72議席を確保している。 \N According to the news report, the ruling coalition has secured 72 seats as of 5 p.m. CK 0 847249 0 0 Most of the plain, simple, everyday things he desires can be secured by people of average means. Source_Benedict_1921