192461 29625 リンゴの木が種から成長するとは知らなかった。 bunbuku I didn't know apple trees grow from seeds. CK 1 0 1026367 0 0 Tom didn't know apple trees grow from seeds. CK 1 0 1093141 0 0 Tom planted some flower seeds in his garden. CK 1 0 1647787 0 0 We're planting seeds. Spamster 186808 23945 果実の中には種がある。 \N Fruits have seeds in them. NekoKanjya 0 3022192 0 0 When did you seed the lawn? sharptoothed 121685 282319 農夫は春になると種をまく。 \N Farmers sow seeds in the spring. CM 148478 266081 種の上に少し土をかぶせなさい。 \N Cover the seeds with a little earth. CM 215812 53113 ジャックは雌牛を種と交換した。 \N Jack exchanged the cow for the seeds. CM 1540034 1540035 農業家が小麦の種を畑に撒いた。 JimBreen The farmer seeded the field with wheat. JimBreen 187258 24395 夏が始まる前にこれらの種をまきなさい。 \N Plant these seeds before summer sets in. NekoKanjya 0 3061125 0 0 Tom handed Mary a bag of sunflower seeds. CK 84010 319707 風は種を遠くへ運ぶ。 \N The wind carries seeds for great distances. CK 0 2819571 0 0 In order to sprout, seeds need air and water. Nero 215549 52851 ジョニーは46年間りんごの種子を蒔き付けた。 \N Johnny kept planting apple seeds for 46 years. Swift 0 3097226 0 0 First of all, we have to plant all these seeds. CK 0 3066972 0 0 Tom opened the bag and poured out the sunflower seeds. CK 0 681742 0 0 If you plant an apple seed, it might grow into a tree. Source_VOA 147634 266926 春になると畑をほりかえして種をまきます。 \N When spring comes, they dig up the fields and plant seeds. CK 0 2761168 0 0 Squirrels eat seeds and nuts, as well as insects and mushrooms. Hybrid 77699 326019 例えばジャック・パインの松かさは、高温により影響を受けるまでは自ら開いて種子を放出しない。 \N The cones of the jack pine, for example, do not readily open to release their seeds until they have been subjected to great heat. CM