2263382 295667 彼は死刑判決を受けた。 bunbuku He was sentenced to death. CK 1 108019 295667 彼は刑に処せられた。 \N He was sentenced to death. CK 1 106451 295667 彼は死刑に処せられた。 bunbuku He was sentenced to death. CK 1 106449 295667 彼は死刑を宣告された。 bunbuku He was sentenced to death. CK 1 0 1140940 0 0 Tom was sentenced to life. CK 1 0 2276097 0 0 I don't like that sentence. CK 1 0 1023952 0 0 Tom was sentenced to death. CK 1 0 2359231 0 0 I've been sentenced to death. CK 1 0 1064475 0 0 What does this sentence mean? CK 1 1219284 57218 この文は書き直さないといけませんね。 mookeee You should rewrite this sentence. CK 1 219898 57218 この文章は書き換えなければならない。 mookeee You should rewrite this sentence. CK 1 0 2359096 0 0 I've been given a death sentence. CK 1 219911 57220 この文は意味をなさない。 \N This sentence doesn't make sense. CK 1 219899 57220 この文章は意味を成さない。 \N This sentence doesn't make sense. CK 1 1129887 57218 あなたはこの文を書き直すべきです。 bunbuku You should rewrite this sentence. CK 1 1171805 284687 彼はその文が理解できなかった。 bunbuku He couldn't understand the sentence. CK 1 118976 284687 彼にはその文の意味が理解できんかった。 \N He couldn't understand the sentence. CK 1 85823 317888 被告は死刑判決を受けた。 bunbuku The defendant was sentenced to death. CK 1 547301 489199 この文を英語に訳してください。 bunbuku Translate this sentence into English. adjusting 1 0 2359097 0 0 I've been given a three-year sentence. CK 1 0 1901794 0 0 Tom was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Spamster 1 0 1092356 0 0 Tom was sentenced to 20 years in prison. CK 1 2446366 2592790 この文章を訳してもらえませんか? tommy_san Could you translate this sentence for me? WestofEden 1 217910 55220 これらの語を各々使って文を作りなさい。 bunbuku Make a sentence with each of these words. CM 1 1487119 1023994 トムさんは断罪されて、死刑判決を受けました。 marshmallowcat Tom was convicted and sentenced to death. CK 1 0 1494924 0 0 Tom was sentenced to life without parole. Spamster 1 76725 57232 この文の意味は曖昧だ。 mookeee The meaning of this sentence is ambiguous. CK 1 219912 57232 この文は意味があいまいだ。 \N The meaning of this sentence is ambiguous. CK 1 0 1496016 0 0 Tom was sentenced to five months in prison. CK 1 1744857 1977263 この文の意味を理解する必要がある。 mookeee I need to understand the meaning of this sentence. CK 1 178806 17659 君たちの文を黒板の文と比較しなさい。 mookeee Compare your sentence with the one on the blackboard. Swift 1 0 1094905 0 0 Tom definitely should have gotten the death sentence. CK 1 1771741 320024 文頭には大文字が使われる。 mookeee A capital letter is used at the beginning of a sentence. CK 1 83692 320024 文の初めには大文字が用いられる。 mookeee A capital letter is used at the beginning of a sentence. CK 1 1104037 589821 この文は俳句の調べ持つ文よ。 mookeee This is a sentence, that has the syllable count, of a haiku. CK 1 0 1096267 0 0 Because Tom mistranslated one sentence, our company lost a lot of money. CK 1 0 952874 0 0 Tom was sentenced to five days in jail and a year on probation for drunken driving. CK 1 0 836753 0 0 I own this sentence. Guybrush88 0 1324215 0 0 This sentence is fine. Swift 0 354573 0 0 Study these sentences. plover 0 1090040 0 0 Learn those sentences. Guybrush88 0 1090039 0 0 Learn these sentences. Guybrush88 0 1435633 0 0 Complete the sentence. enteka 627950 547389 これは文では無い。 arihato This is not a sentence. MUIRIEL 154769 259770 私は二つの文を抜かした。 \N I left out two sentences. CK 0 756670 0 0 This is an easy sentence. Guybrush88 0 752848 0 0 This is a weird sentence. Guybrush88 0 838772 0 0 This is a funny sentence. Guybrush88 0 2584537 0 0 Is this sentence correct? Guybrush88 1060320 611372 私たちは完全な文を求めています。 mookeee We want complete sentences. CK