0 2107358 0 0 We're separated. CK 1 0 2111246 0 0 They're separated. CK 1 85999 317712 彼等は二つのグループに分けられた。 bunbuku They were separated into two groups. CK 1 162422 252092 私の両親は離婚する前にどれくらいの間結婚していたかと、トムは私に尋ねた。 \N Tom asked me how long my parents had been married before they separated. CK 1 0 1799695 0 0 We got separated. Spamster 0 2955618 0 0 Tom and I got separated. CK 0 2955588 0 0 Tom and I are separated. CK 203103 40339 だれも彼らの仲を引き裂けない。 \N No one can separate them. Swift 183974 21100 勘定書は別々にお願いします。 \N We'd like separate checks. CK 0 2644041 0 0 Tom and Mary are separated. CK 0 2259249 0 0 That's a separate question. _undertoad 97825 305879 彼らはそれぞれの道を行った。 marcelostockle They went their separate ways. CK 0 3022213 0 0 We don't want to be separated. sharptoothed 0 2270071 0 0 We'll have to separate the wires. _undertoad 124920 279073 伝票は別々にお願いします。 \N We'd like separate checks, please. CK 0 1901777 0 0 Tom and Mary live in separate states. Spamster 0 682003 0 0 They are separated, and cannot touch. Source_VOA 0 3177864 0 0 Tom's parents sleep in separate rooms. CK 123161 280839 二つの町は川で隔てられている。 \N The two towns are separated by a river. CK 0 3310033 0 0 We've decided to get legally separated. CK 0 3022319 0 0 This partition separates the two rooms. sharptoothed 0 876559 0 0 They are separated by a great distance. eastasiastudent 165566 248939 私たちは政治と宗教を分けなければならない。 \N We must separate politics from religion. CK 0 1242722 0 0 Language and culture can't be separated. BraveSentry 141607 272963 先生は私たちを二つのグループに分けた。 \N Our teacher separated us into two groups. CK 174676 239793 言葉を文化から引き離すことはできない。 \N You can't separate language from culture. CK 0 2958112 0 0 Tom separated the items into three piles. CK 0 876548 0 0 My home is separated from his by a river. eastasiastudent 121678 282327 農民たちはよいリンゴと不良品を選別する。 \N Farmers separate good apples from bad ones. CM 0 876587 0 0 We are only separated by the Pacific Ocean. eastasiastudent 0 2640546 0 0 Tom and Mary have gone their separate ways. CK 0 682001 0 0 The mother separated the fighting children. Source_VOA 170898 243582 砂から金を分離採集する方法をあなたにお見せしましょう。 \N I'll show you how to separate gold from sand. CM 234548 71924 アイルランドとイギリスは海によって隔てられている。 \N Ireland and England are separated by the sea. CM 0 1185804 0 0 Friendship and happiness cannot be separated. eastasiastudent 0 682002 0 0 A river separates the city into east and west. Source_VOA 109253 294437 彼は家族から離れたくなかった。 \N He didn't like being separated from his family. CK 218097 55408 これは別に扱わなくてはならないほど重要だ。 \N This is important enough for separate treatment. CM 0 2453018 0 0 I keep this bottle separate from all the others. sharptoothed 137452 275784 大西洋はアメリカをヨーロッパから切り離している。 \N The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe. contour 229235 66593 イギリス海峡がイギリスとフランスを隔てている。 \N The English Channel separates England and France. CK 0 682000 0 0 They want to separate after 40 years of marriage. Source_VOA 0 498014 0 0 The garden is separated from the road by a fence. FeuDRenais 84974 318739 夫婦は別れた後、二度と会う事はなかった。 bunbuku The couple separated, never to see each other again. jakov 176335 238129 警官は取っ組み合いをしている二人の男を引き離した。 \N The policeman separated the two men who were fighting. CK 1768548 238129 警官はもめていた男性二人を引き離した。 bunbuku The policeman separated the two men who were fighting. CK 189002 26149 英国はイギリス海峡によって欧州大陸と隔てられている。 \N Britain is separated from the Continent by the Channel. mcq 122375 281628 日本海は日本とアジア大陸を隔てている。 \N The Japan Sea separates Japan from the Asian Continent. CM 0 1276567 0 0 Can't you separate fantasy and reality from each other? Ignoto 0 2742225 0 0 Today's competition should separate the men from the boys. CK