Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Seventy"
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0	1402025	0	0	Tom lost seventy pounds.	Spamster	1
0	1026250	0	0	Tom died in his seventies.	CK	1
115035	288636	彼は70才の時に死んだ。	bunbuku	He died at the age of seventy.	CK	1
0	1026240	0	0	Tom died when he was seventy years old.	CK	1
0	1026246	0	0	Tom died just one day after his seventieth birthday.	CK	1
184575	3010189	確かに七十はすぎてる。	\N	He really is over seventy.	Hautis
115034	288637	彼は70歳でなお活躍している。	\N	At seventy, he is still active.	CK
104766	298924	彼は七十歳まで生きた。	\N	He lived to be seventy years old.	CK
184575	21703	確かに七十はすぎてる。	\N	It is true that he is over seventy.	NekoKanjya
0	1938426	0	0	Don't forget rule number seventy-two.	Eldad
163172	251340	私の祖父は今年70歳になる。	\N	My grandfather will be seventy this year.	CK
84762	318952	父は70歳でまだ大変元気です。	\N	At seventy, my father is still very active.	CM
0	805359	0	0	Fort Moultrie had fewer than seventy soldiers.	Source_VOA
0	1265507	0	0	This pocket watch is more than seventy years old.	Jefepeters
122879	281123	日光は東京の北約75マイルの地点にある。	\N	Nikko is situated about seventy five miles north of Tokyo.	CM
235017	72394	70年もしくは80年が人間の普通の寿命期間である。	\N	Seventy or eighty years is the normal span of a man's life.	CM
175501	238964	健康のおかげで彼は75歳まで働くことができた。	\N	His good health enabled him to work till the age of seventy-five.	CK
92304	311407	彼女はその部屋を月7万円で学生に貸している。	\N	She rents the room to a student for seventy thousand yen a month.	CK
210520	47788	その作家は70歳だが、20年前と変わらず作品を量産している。	\N	The author is seventy, but he's no less productive than he was twenty years ago.	CK
1118890	2674464	父は今年喜寿を迎えたが、わたしなんかよりよほどエネルギッシュだ。	mookeee	My father celebrated his seventieth birthday this year, but he's more energetic than I am.	WestofEden