0 3022486 0 0 Mary has a lot of sex appeal. sharptoothed 0 1676654 0 0 He went to a single-sex school. Spamster 2275714 2265556 この国では同性婚が合法化されている。 tommy_san Same-sex marriage is legal here. Hybrid 2275715 2265556 この地域では同性婚が認められている。 tommy_san Same-sex marriage is legal here. Hybrid 2275723 2265556 この州では同性婚は合法だ。 tommy_san Same-sex marriage is legal here. Hybrid 0 1655521 0 0 They had a debate on same-sex marriage. Spamster 0 2081021 0 0 The world turns around sex, money and drugs. Eldad 1754195 1754176 同性のカップルも結婚できるべきだ。 mookeee Same-sex couples should be able to get married. Spamster 0 847252 0 0 Such a person will often go a block out of his way to avoid meeting a person of the opposite sex. Source_Benedict_1921