121329 282677 八方塞がりだ。 mookeee We're sunk. CM 1 0 2107360 0 0 We're sinking. CK 1 0 2244929 0 0 Are we sinking? CK 1 0 2406096 0 0 I saw the boat sink. CK 1 141178 273394 船が沈んでいく。 marcelostockle The ship is sinking. CK 1 0 2546963 0 0 Tom scrubbed the sink. CK 1 78449 325267 嵐のためその船は沈んだ。 mookeee The storm sank the boat. CK 1 80086 323632 木は浮くが鉄は沈む。 \N Wood floats, but iron sinks. CK 1 0 1556797 0 0 I saw the sponge in the sink. kerbear407 1 0 1094093 0 0 Tom filled the sink with water. CK 1 170157 244328 昨日、このあたりで船が沈んだ。 bunbuku A ship sank near here yesterday. CK 1 96528 307177 彼らは沈みゆく船を見捨てて逃げた。 bunbuku They abandoned the sinking ship. CK 1 96527 307177 彼らは沈没する船を見捨てた。 \N They abandoned the sinking ship. CK 1 90568 313144 彼女は気分が悪くなり、地面にかがみこんだ。 bunbuku She felt sick and sank to the ground. CK 1 2056699 1961744 あなたが流し台の修理をしてくれるのだと思っていました。 bunbuku I thought you were going to fix the sink. CK 1 0 2425983 0 0 The kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes. CK 1 0 1093179 0 0 Tom often leaves dirty dishes in the sink. CK 1 0 1095339 0 0 Tom certainly sunk a lot of money into his business. CK 1 0 1096146 0 0 It's possible that Tom doesn't know how to unclog a sink. CK 1 0 1040561 0 0 Tom seems to have packed everything but the kitchen sink. CK 1 78266 325451 流しの横にお皿を積んでおいてくだされば、後で私が洗います。 mookeee If you stack the dishes up by the sink, I'll do them later. CK 1 0 2425984 0 0 Tom hadn't washed dishes in a week, so the sink was full of dirty dishes. CK 1 0 1388220 0 0 Tom and Mary went on a cruise near Italy for their honeymoon, but the ship sank and Tom was drowned in his cabin. Spamster 1 0 2195448 0 0 Boats can sink. Hybrid 114670 289001 彼はいすにどかっと腰を下ろした。 bunbuku He sank into a chair. CM 0 680972 0 0 Can you fix our sink? Source_VOA 196554 33732 ボートはたちまち沈んだ。 mookeee The boat sank in a flash. CM 172842 241631 今しも太陽が沈もうとしている。 \N The sun is about to sink. CK 198602 35795 ねずみはいち早く沈みそうな船を見捨てる。 \N Rats leave a sinking ship. CK 96500 307205 彼らは敵の船を10せき沈めた。 \N They sank ten enemy ships. CK 140605 273968 鼠は沈みかかった船を見捨てる。 \N Rats desert a sinking ship. CM 185682 22814 我々は地面が沈んでいくのを感じた。 \N We felt the ground sinking. NekoKanjya 0 1911959 0 0 Atlantis sank into the sea. Spamster 141106 273466 船は底に沈んだ。 \N The boat sank to the bottom. Nero 0 2957789 0 0 Tom put the pan in the sink. CK 0 807086 0 0 Two passenger ships were sunk. Source_VOA 208457 45716 その船が沈んだのは明らかだ。 \N It is clear that the ship sank. CK 212634 49917 そのボードは嵐の間に沈んだ。 \N The boat sank during the storm. CK 212635 49917 そのボートは嵐の間に沈んだ。 \N The boat sank during the storm. CK 138157 275078 太陽が西に沈もうとしている。 \N The sun is sinking in the west. CK 138153 275075 太陽が地平線の下に沈んだ。 bunbuku The sun sunk below the horizon. CM 138160 275075 太陽が水平線の下に沈んだ。 bunbuku The sun sunk below the horizon. CM 150630 263927 時間がたつにつれて我々の希望は消えた。 \N As time went on, our hopes sank. CM 100871 302826 彼は彼女の背中にナイフをさした。 \N He sank the knife into her back. CK 0 1638051 0 0 The boat sunk and everyone died. GeeZ 0 3022382 0 0 The sink is full of dirty dishes. sharptoothed 0 807157 0 0 The Lusitania sank in 18 minutes. Source_VOA 0 2268578 0 0 The submarines sank a lot of ships. _undertoad 0 1966481 0 0 The Bounty sank near Cape Hatteras. Spamster 90990 312724 彼女は汚れた皿を流しに浸けた。 \N She put the dirty dishes in the sink. CK