0 1495743 0 0 Tom is working as a software engineer. CK 1 0 1040486 0 0 What kind of software does Tom usually use? CK 1 97831 305873 彼らはソフトウエア製品を扱っている。 \N They deal in software products. CK 0 2957139 0 0 Tom is installing new software. CK 190968 28128 違法コピーはいけません。 \N You really shouldn't use pirated software. CK 0 906835 0 0 What's your favorite open source software? CK 0 887389 0 0 She showed him how to use the new software. CK 0 906786 0 0 What's your favorite image editing software? CK 0 899123 0 0 I use all kinds of software to study Chinese. eastasiastudent 0 953782 0 0 I'd like you to help me install this software. CK 0 906763 0 0 What's your favorite free software application? CK 0 367129 0 0 I'm having some problems compiling this software. sysko 0 680533 0 0 The software company collapsed during the recession. Source_VOA 164288 250221 私のウイルス対策用ソフトウエアは不良品でした。 \N Apparently my anti-virus software is not up to snuff. CM 0 1853672 0 0 Do you have the most recent version of this software? CK 0 953735 0 0 I wish I could figure out how to install this software. CK 0 2957266 0 0 Tom is the district sales manager for a software company. CK 0 1383802 0 0 This software package has a suggested retail price of $99. Spamster 85363 318350 表計算ソフトは、覚えておくと何かと便利よ。 \N Once you get the hang of it, spreadsheet software is really useful. CK 0 1879926 0 0 Trying to figure out how this software works is a pain in the neck. CK 459807 459808 バグだか何だか分かんないけど、このソフトはちゃんと動かない。 blay_paul I dunno if it's a bug or what, but this software doesn't work right. blay_paul 121178 282828 晩餐会の席でソフトウェアの新バージョンの発表について触れたい。 \N I want to mention the release of our new software edition at the banquet. CK 0 1093557 0 0 Tom hasn't updated the antivirus software on his computer in a long time. CK 697555 697553 バグだか何だか分からないけど、このソフトはちゃんと動かない。 mookeee I don't know if it's a bug or not, but this software doesn't work correctly. CK 459807 697553 バグだか何だか分かんないけど、このソフトはちゃんと動かない。 blay_paul I don't know if it's a bug or not, but this software doesn't work correctly. CK 210246 47511 その子はプレイステーションの新しいソフトが欲しいとだだをこねた。 \N When the kid wanted the latest PlayStation software, he acted like a spoiled child. CM 185466 22598 画像処理のソフトウエアを開発した会社をご存知でしたら教えてください。 \N Please advise us, if possible, of a company which has developed image processing software. Dejo 0 3101046 0 0 Language learning software, no matter how nice it looks and works, is only as good as the data it uses. CK