Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Soil"
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237403	57684	この土壌では何も育たないように思われる。	mookeee	Nothing seems to grow in this soil.	CK	1
0	995991	0	0	This soil is moist.	Guybrush88
0	3030998	0	0	Don't let it get soiled.	sharptoothed
0	3030926	0	0	What'll grow in this soil?	sharptoothed
76615	327105	その土壌は腐植に富んでいます。	Japanese	That soil is rich in humus.	CM
85836	317876	肥沃な土壌は豊かな作物を産する。	\N	Rich soil yields good crops.	CK
872765	660392	雨で土壌が流されてしまった。	thyc244	The rain washed away the soil.	Nero
0	681112	0	0	Plants don't grow in this soil.	Source_VOA
518883	518884	石の多い土地ですね。	blay_paul	It's a very rocky soil, isn't it?	blay_paul
145987	268575	植物は土壌から水分をとる。	\N	Plants take in water from the soil.	CK
88621	315086	彼女は植木鉢に新しい土を入れた。	\N	She put new soil in the flower pot.	CK
195060	32234	ミミズも時には土壌に有益です。	\N	Worms are sometimes beneficial to soil.	CK
0	802425	0	0	They also collected moon rocks and soil.	Source_VOA
0	2985467	0	0	The soil will have to be plowed before we start planting.	sharptoothed
74674	329045	雨が降って土に湿り気があると草は取りやすくなる。	fcbond	When rain's fallen and the soil is moist, it becomes easier to pull out weeds.	fcbond