Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Source"
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0	1954799	0	0	I can't reveal my source.	CK	1
0	1954800	0	0	I can't reveal my sources.	CK	1
0	2187825	0	0	I heard it from a reliable source.	freddy1	1
143409	271158	世界は石油のかわりの新しいエネルギー源を開発する必要がある。	bunbuku	The world needs to develop new energy sources in place of oil.	CK	1
0	2270193	0	0	Where's the source of this river?	_undertoad
0	3045583	0	0	Where is the source of this river?	sharptoothed
0	1126687	0	0	The source of the fire is unknown.	nadsat
205846	43092	それが彼の苦労の種だった。	\N	That was the source of his troubles.	CM
160351	254170	私はそのニュースを確かな筋から得た。	\N	I got the news from a reliable source.	CK
0	906834	0	0	What's your favorite open source game?	CK
0	751253	0	0	His work is a source of pride for him.	eastasiastudent
138138	275097	太陽のエネルギーは新しいエネルギー源だ。	\N	Solar energy is a new source of energy.	CK
0	490683	0	0	They had no alternative energy sources.	darinmex
224803	62138	ここからあがる所得は無税である。	\N	The income from this source is tax-free.	gall
183075	20197	記者はその情報源を明かすことを拒んだ。	\N	The reporter refused to name his sources.	CK
151540	248727	私達は更新できるエネルギー源を開発しなければならない。	\N	We must develop renewable energy sources.	CK
165777	248727	私たちは再生できるエネルギー源を開発しなければならない。	\N	We must develop renewable energy sources.	CK
165778	248727	私たちは再生可能なエネルギー源を開発する必要がある。	\N	We must develop renewable energy sources.	CK
0	1954614	0	0	I can't locate the source of the problem.	CK
0	906835	0	0	What's your favorite open source software?	CK
942864	682444	風力は安価でクリーンなエネルギー源です。	thyc244	Wind is a cheap and clean source of energy.	Source_VOA
5205	1852	あなたにとってひらめきの最大の源は何?	mookeee	What is your greatest source of inspiration?	Swift
0	2953685	0	0	We learned about that from reliable sources.	CK
0	2814533	0	0	Fish is an important food source for people.	carlosalberto
0	2815087	0	0	Spinach is a rich source of iron and calcium.	carlosalberto
0	611374	0	0	Don't add sentences from copyrighted sources.	CK
157659	256872	私は去年、それを別の筋から聞いた。	\N	I heard about it from another source last year.	CK
0	2268491	0	0	The river has its source in the Rocky Mountains.	_undertoad
0	3045835	0	0	Has the plumber found the source of the trouble?	sharptoothed
103957	299735	彼は情報をすべて又聞きで得た。	\N	He got all his information from secondary sources.	CM
165473	249032	私たちは太陽や風のようなエネルギー資源を使っています。	\N	We'll use energy sources such as the sun and wind.	CM
225807	63145	ギャンブルが彼の唯一の収入源というわけでは決してなかった。	\N	Gambling was by no means his only source of income.	CM
228389	65745	インターネットはこの上なく貴重な情報の宝庫だ。	\N	The Internet is an invaluable source of information.	CK
2955388	1126773	鉱業はチリの主要な収入源の一つである。	tommy_san	Mining is one of the main sources of wealth in Chile.	nadsat
219467	56787	この無責任なうわさの源を突き止めたいと思う。	\N	I want to find out the source of this irresponsible rumor.	CM
0	681450	0	0	Electronic news media is our primary source of information.	Source_VOA
0	3045615	0	0	Tom's success has been a source of great pride to all of us.	sharptoothed
0	3093432	0	0	Tom's grandchildren were a source of great pleasure for him.	patgfisher
185701	22833	我々は太陽エネルギーや原子エネルギーのような新しい資源を開発しつつある。	\N	We are exploring new sources, such as solar and atomic energy.	NekoKanjya
143081	271487	政府は他の歳入源を考え出すほかない。	\N	The administration cannot but look for alternative sources of revenue.	CM
143068	271500	政府は別の歳入源を探さなければいけない、と彼は主張している。	\N	He argues that the administration must look for alternative sources of revenue.	CK
0	1096372	0	0	One problem translators face is that sometimes the source document is poorly written.	CK
0	954113	0	0	It's very unlikely that a serious art collector would ever buy anything from that source.	CK
194350	31523	もう一つの面白いエネルギー源は、放射能の廃棄物質から取り出せる熱である。	mookeee	Another interesting source of energy is the heat that can be recovered from radioactive waste material.	CK
77869	325849	良い新聞記者は、どんなニュース源からも、つまり、出所不明型のニュース源からも、学びとれるものはなんでも利用する。	mookeee	A good newspaper reporter takes advantage of what he learns from any source, even the "little bird told him so" type of source.	CM