Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Specialize"
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155093	259445	私は中世史を専攻している。	\N	I specialize in medieval history.	CM
102460	301234	彼は大学で物理学を専攻することに決めた。	\N	He decided to specialize in physics at college.	CK
209420	46681	その出版社は児童文学を専門にしている。	\N	That publisher specialises in children's books.	CK
83525	320191	弊社は機械パーツの輸入を行っています。	\N	We specialize in the import of machinery parts.	CK
0	954322	0	0	That psychiatrist specialized in eating disorders.	CK
0	954317	0	0	That doctor specializes in helping those with eating disorders.	CK
221276	58599	この種の専門知識は日常生活とはほとんど関係がない。	\N	This kind of specialized knowledge has very little to do with daily life.	CM
172439	242036	今後、生物学を専攻する学生の数は増加するであろう。	\N	The number of students who specialize in biology will increase from now on.	CM
0	1096370	0	0	Professional translators quite often specialize in just one field, for example law or medicine.	CK
0	1988439	0	0	The term "autistic savant" is used to describe a person who is autistic and is extremely talented in one or more specialized fields.	CK