Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Steady"
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0	2238738	0	0	Tom steadied himself.	CK	1
223372	60705	このはしごをしっかり押さえてくれ。	bunbuku	Hold this ladder steady.	CK	1
223535	60870	このテーブルはぐらつく。	\N	This table isn't steady.	CK	1
192972	30131	ゆっくりでも着実にやってゆけば勝負には勝つ。	mookeee	Slow and steady wins the race.	CK	1
192971	30131	ゆっくりで着実なのが競走に勝つ。	\N	Slow and steady wins the race.	CK	1
192966	30131	ゆっくりと着実なのが競争に勝つ。	\N	Slow and steady wins the race.	CK	1
192965	30131	ゆっくりと着実なのが結局勝つ。	\N	Slow and steady wins the race.	CK	1
139145	30131	急がば回れ。	fengrim	Slow and steady wins the race.	CK	1
126744	30131	遅くとも着実なのが競争に勝つ。	\N	Slow and steady wins the race.	CK	1
0	1093479	0	0	Tom is going steady with Mary.	CK	1
2056697	1961736	あなたはトムと付き合っているのだと思っていました。	bunbuku	I thought you were going steady with Tom.	CK	1
1166293	53161	ジャックとベティは付き合って一カ月になる。	bunbuku	Jack and Betty have been going steady for a month.	CK	1
215860	53161	ジャックとベティは1ヶ月前からステディだ。	\N	Jack and Betty have been going steady for a month.	CK	1
0	1028755	0	0	Tom has been going steady with Mary for six months.	CK	1
0	1893691	0	0	We were going steady.	CK
0	3060846	0	0	This needs a steady hand.	sharptoothed
0	1391689	0	0	I never had a steady job.	CK
0	3171358	0	0	Tom has a steady girlfriend.	CK
0	3060854	0	0	Tom has made steady progress.	sharptoothed
0	3060694	0	0	Is this ladder steady enough?	sharptoothed
902917	277244	継続は力なり。	arihato	Slow but steady wins the race.	CM
126846	277244	地道な者はいつか勝つ。	\N	Slow but steady wins the race.	CM
196394	33573	ぼくと付き合ってくれませんか。	\N	How about going steady with me?	CK
223373	60706	このはしごをしっかりと抑えておいて下さい。	\N	Please hold this ladder steady.	CK
195337	32511	まともな仕事につかなければいけませんよ。	\N	You've got to get a steady job.	CK
0	807337	0	0	There was steady economic improvement.	Source_VOA
144218	270347	人口はどんどん増加ししていた。	\N	There was a steady increase in population.	CK
107281	296405	彼は高速道路で一定のスピードを維持した。	\N	He maintained a steady speed on the highway.	CK
102175	301519	彼は着実な歩調で丘を登っていた。	\N	He was walking up the hill at a steady pace.	qdii
140213	274360	息の長い仕事になりそうだ。	\N	This is going to require a long steady effort.	CK
82107	321608	僕はこの3年間彼女だけと付き合っている。	\N	I've been going steady with her for three years.	CK
0	491886	0	0	Unfortunately she already has a steady boyfriend.	swagner
0	3060896	0	0	We didn't run fast, but kept up a good steady pace.	sharptoothed
0	3060878	0	0	Tom tried to steady himself by grabbing the railing.	sharptoothed
0	3060822	0	0	There's been a steady stream of cars on the highway all day.	sharptoothed
146034	268528	杖は、ステッキのように歩く時体を支えるのに使われる。	\N	A staff is used to help steady yourself when walking, much like a cane.	CM
202462	1346844	ディビッドは今まで安定したくらしはなかった。彼はいつもやりくり算段の生活をしてきた。	\N	David has never had a steady job, but he's always managed to make ends meet.	CM
169778	244708	昨年は輸出が好調の反面、輸入が落ち着いていたので貿易収支は改善した。	\N	The nation's trade balance improved last year as exports were strong, while imports remained steady.	CM