Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Stem"
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197881	35070	バラは茎に刺がある。	\N	A rose has thorns on its stem.	CM
197881	3031152	バラは茎に刺がある。	\N	Roses have thorns on their stems.	CK
212539	49823	そのようなトラブルは注意不足のせいだ。	\N	Such trouble stems from carelessness.	CK
110293	293395	彼はワイングラスを落として、その足を折ってしまった。	\N	He dropped his wineglass and broke its stem.	CM
0	2957706	0	0	Tom poured wine into three long-stemmed glasses.	CK
186849	23986	科学者たちはエイズ・ウイルスの拡散をくい止めようと戦っています。	\N	Scientists are fighting to stem the spread of the AIDS virus.	NekoKanjya
0	1858695	0	0	"Tom gave Mary a box of chocolates and one long-stemmed rose for her birthday." "That's really sweet."	CK