Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Strain"
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0	1040607	0	0	Tom has been under a lot of strain recently.	CK	1
116990	286677	彼の重さでロープがぴんと張った。	bunbuku	His weight strained the rope.	CM
173481	240989	綱は張りすぎて切れた。	\N	The rope broke under the strain.	CK
169006	245481	使いすぎて目を痛めないように気をつけなさい。	\N	Take care not to strain your eyes.	CK
80889	322826	無理が彼の体にこたえ始めた。	\N	The strain is beginning to tell on him.	CM
186470	23606	過労が彼の健康にこたえ始めた。	\N	The strain has begun to tell on his health.	Dejo
0	3060624	0	0	I don't think this chain will stand the strain.	sharptoothed
219462	56782	この明かりで字を読もうとすれば目を痛めるよ。	\N	You'll strain your eyes trying to read in this light.	Nero
219463	56782	この明かりで字を読もうとすれば目が悪くなるよ。	\N	You'll strain your eyes trying to read in this light.	Nero
406981	406982	スケートボードをすると結構膝に負担がかかると思う。	Scott	When you skateboard, it puts quite a strain on your knees.	Scott
0	874554	0	0	Their marriage has been strained lately because of financial problems.	darinmex
84075	319641	部分一致検索はサーバーに負荷がかかるから、やめたほうがいいね。	\N	You shouldn't do partial-word searches, since they put a lot of strain on the server.	CM