0 682093 0 0 The structure isn't safe. Source_VOA 0 682094 0 0 Skyscrapers are beautiful structures. Source_VOA 0 1540698 0 0 The building's structure is compromised. erikspen 161867 252649 私はアイヌの家族の構造を研究した。 \N I studied the structure of Ainu families. CK 0 643277 0 0 This molecule has a crystalline structure. darinmex 0 682092 0 0 The new concert hall is a tall, modern, structure. Source_VOA 218371 55682 これは私が見た中で一番どっしりとした建造物です。 \N This is the most massive structure I have ever seen. CM 0 1559772 0 0 The structure isn't strong enough to support so much weight. sam_m 0 1559774 0 0 The structure isn't strong enough to support that much weight. sam_m 221979 59305 この構文は口語英語ではまずめったに生じないだろう。 \N These structures would rarely, if ever, occur in spoken English. CK